Benjamin Button

Finally got to watch it – and I loved it!

Not surprising (that I loved it); the “lessons” found in the story seem to stem from a similar perspective/take of life I personally have – so there’s nothing not to like about it hahaha. I just found myself nodding everytime they would deliver some line containing a “lesson.” Lines like these:

For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be. There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it. And I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view. I hope you live a life you’re proud of. If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.

In fact, ’twas almost freaky; for each and every phrase in that paragraph, I could probably bust out a URL of a post I had written in the past that had a similar thesis. It’s a shame that it’s a movie, and ultimately will be treated as such – we need more real life examples for it to catch on hahaha – that, and people in general should stop being so damn afraid to take chances.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away – Anon

We only live life once – make it count.

Thanks, God

I’ve been neglecting the blog out of sheer “busy-ness” (or as I would call it: busybility, heh). And since I have nothing better to post as of the moment – I leave you with an interesting ad I found on Gizmodo

Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the “Now lets get to the meat” portion of an old post I made.

One thing though: I don’t drink 😉

Valley Golf incident revisited

So I got to talk to a friend who had some “inside info” on the other side – that is to say the politicians. Apparently there are also similar accounts in the news as well so I guess it’s “safe” to talk about it.

While it’s still hard to swallow said scenario that would justify what had transpired, I think it only be fair to state the other side if only to try to balance the views. Again, if I were to pigeon-hole the issue, I’m currently still on the “victims” side. However I do admit that after hearing my friend out, the issue does seem to be extremely polarized because of the publicity – and I always believed that the more angles you have on an issue, the better.

Standard disclaimer holds; I do not know these people personally, nor can I confirm if what has been said on either side is gospel (after all, everyone tends to manipulate facts at their convenience) so take my interpretation with a grain of salt.

Also, before I begin, I’d urge you to read up on a recent post by Punzi lecturing about self-defense – which is extremely helpful in weighing in the “facts.” Read More

The hardest part about being right

I remember one really old martial arts movie I saw, 1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it where one of the protagonists had said the lines below; begging to be taken back into the team.

“It’s the only thing I know… [the only thing] that I’m good at.

This is true for everyone in the planet: We all make mistakes, and all are stupid in our own little (or big) ways. Yet at the same time, we have worth, and there are things that we may just “know” better than anyone else.

Based on experience, I have found out that, at least for me, the most important “lessons” one could teach are the same ones that we desperately wish people would really listen to – and by some sick joke of God, are the very things people refuse to listen to. Read More


1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it

Are you happy?

Here’s another one of those “Manual to my life” posts. This entry in particular explains (in part) why I have a generally “positive” disposition – despite having the same (or probably even more difficult) challenges in life just like any other person.

It doesn’t have anything to do with being “happy” or “positive” – but the simple fact that I refuse to be “negative.” What do I mean when I say that? Read on…

I don’t like people who complain. Well that’s not really true; I embrace everyone’s mystery 🙂

But if you want to test my patience, then the quickest way to get me going is to complain – bonus points if you try to spin it in such a way that you’re kawawa – if you’re lucky enough; I might just decide to step in and beat you with a stick – and I think people will agree that you don’t want to be at the business end of that stick (oh wait, depends what “stick” we’re talking about hehehe). Read More