And Carlo rested on the Sabbath

My God, this was one hell of a busy week. I’m sooo not going to do anything today and get some well deserved rest.

A chunk of the week was spent on BP practices for coming concerts – Christmas season is always the busiest for us.

Another is helping a friend oversee a multimedia project – which by some twist of fate, had turned very hectic for a deadline on Nov 8. On the bright side, this deadline only comes once and we should be able to have better timelines – and we both finally get to stick to supervising alone.

Another was on conference calls and pending stuff for work (well actually I think that was two weeks ago, but no matter. On monday (next week) we start cracking at it again at full blast. I’m excited actually to get the ball rolling then.

Last friday I helped Nono cover an event – my first time to shoot an event in extremely low light conditions. Using flash is good for group shots and fill lighting, but the lighting, though dark was really effective for more drama, so I opted to try my best to not use the flash as much as possible (or at least use a 2nd curtain sync at slow shutter) – at the penalty of soft shots of course.

I’d post pictures, but a chunk of my images are in Nono‘s tank, as I’m having mine repaired… besides, there are a ton of images so I’ll need to spend time optimizing them for the web.

A bunch of stuff is also pending:

  • My 20D replacement body is ready – but Canon Phils is being pretty anal about the delivery (It has to be a straight swap – they can’t leave the unit in the shop and just get it later when I’ve already passed by). Scheduling a Hidalgo trip in the afternoon can be quite a pain in the arse.

  • My ImageTank is way overdue – a whole month if I’m not mistaken. I think I’ll give Aperture a call again… Whenever I call, the “technician” (or the owner they say) seems to be out of the office.

  • My Powerbook replacement casing is also ready! Now that warranty service is what I’m proud of – less than a week response and they actually call me regarding updates. I really want to announce publicly the shop since they deserve the shout-out for excellent service, but my past posts/praises can get them into trouble for being “extremely nice,” if you know what I mean. So as of now, I can say that their rewards shall be great in Heaven 😉 To their representative/contact, if you’re reading this – MARAMING MARAMING SALAMAT!

Oh, I realized that those the 20D and Powerbook issue was never explained. Fine, I’ll do it now:

  • 20D – Though in working condition, the multi-controller isn’t as responsive on the lower left AF selection point. Wherein Nono‘s was perfectly fine, so obviously that merited a warranty. besides, I reported it the day after the launch/purchase which was a month ago.

  • Powerbook – I had the HD replaced/upgraded, but the technician tried to pry it open, through no fault of his own since he called the office to make sure. The one at fault was the person who confirmed that he had to pry open some parts. This resulted in the plastic guards in the superdrive area to be “eaten up” a little, and the superdrive slot getting a little bent. Anyways, I was supposed to live with that fact – until I read the Apple service manuals for the new Albooks (which showed details on how to dismantle the new machines) and that particular part which he pried open, apparently had some switch inside accessible through the superdrive slot. Owning a Powerbook means you really take the machine’s “looks” seriously, so those little nuances can be really irritating to look at – especially if it wasn’t of your doing. Anyways, no harm done since the shop accepted the situation valid for claiming warranty. And the head engineering supervisor himself will be replacing my case, so I’m not complaining at all.

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