29th Manila International Book Fair

Yesterday, I went with Cris to visit possibly the nerdiest place I could ever fathom going to. Don’t get me wrong, it’s the 3rd time I’ve gone to one.

I’m not in a position to make fun of nerds. After all, my girlfriend is one of them. Plus, I’m a geek; so that just makes us even. Still, I was amused at how much “excitement” books could generate – maybe because I don’t like reading in general (I prefer listening to audiobooks, etc.)

To the right, we see the creature in its natural habitat.
It seems to be positively stimulated by the writings on the wall… as if there were some significant [implied] meaning that escapes normal comprehension.

During the event,I was able to realize how awesome the LX3 was. I can really see myself using this puppy over my D300 simply because its so accessible. The funny thing is, I hear about a lot of people “graduating” to DSLRs, whereas I’m doing the opposite. I guess I just like going against the grain.

Anyways, back to the LX3. The ability to quickly change the aspect-ratio was much appreciated; I never realized that it could be so useful. I also got to use the AF tracking a lot.

Apart from the technical stuff, I’ve realized how much I’ve learned from Cris; I was surprised to recognize the “sculptures” (for lack of a better term) from the 25 best loved Filipino children’s book characters by the entrance.

We now see the creature capturing its prey with no remorse.
Despite having poor visual acuity, it seems to have developed a heightened sensory state that allows it to notice the little things that would otherwise escape detection.

There was an area that I did appreciate as a true blooded geek; the robotics section. They were selling Bioloids… which I had been drooling over ever since they were featured on ThinkGeek.

Also, the event seemed have its share of celebrities. Being deprived of television, I felt stupid not knowing them, but it was fun nonetheless to see them do their antics with their fans.

It seems to exhibit a certain pleasure and vindication upon returning to this ecosystem; it has already planted its seed, and is beginning to see the signs of its efforts come to fruition.

i.e., Cris had already presented in a teaching conference in Bohol. The book she’s holding is the first volume in a series that will include her work. Her presentation/lesson plan will be part of the second volume

After all is/was said and done, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Seeing your girlfriend fulfilled like that, how could anyone not right?

More pictures and notes at the gallery

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