Just had to share

I just saw this comment while surfing the web and I just wanted to share it.

That’s the biggest difference I see between theists and atheists generally… atheists (and honestly, even agnostics) tend to take personal responsibility for what they do in their life and their actions. Theists tend to want to blame other people, other things, circumstances, satan, whatever for whatever bad happens. Strangely, it reminds me of people blaming violent video games for school shootings. Both are a load of crap.

You’re responsible for the choices you make. End of story.

Coming from, I suppose, is the “agnostic” side of the fence; biased as it may be, I have to say that the comment above was spot on. Having some higher being to represent good or evil is just too damn convenient for hardcore believers’ own good.

The reason why doubters, of any form (atheists, skeptics, agnostics, etc.), seem to be the more “decent” people in society (which is so ironic that it’s not funny anymore) is precisely because they would not want to, or rather can’t justify decisions/actions in context of something that’s “beyond” them – which I think is a good thing as it makes us more mindful of our decisions. Because God knows, if anything turns sour, we have only ourselves to blame.

Now try selling that proposition to terrorists, creationists, or pro-life people, and you’ll see just how naive people can really be; all because they have a convenient fallback to claim an absolute stance on. Pathetic!

Now people know I’m an active member of a Ministry which does have some clout with regards to liturgical music. So I bet you’re wondering how I could take this stance and be active in something like that.

The answer is extremely simple. Because I believe in people. I may have my reservations anything supernatural, superstitious, or unproven – but that never negates the reality which is the human race.

I see people, I talk to them, I interact with them, they are tangible and my actions directly affect them. So when we go on tour/concerts and I see people being uplifted they way they are, that’s enough reason to do what I’m doing.

I’ve said in an old blog post that it doesn’t matter to me what a person believes in as long as it makes them a better person. If what I’m doing (even if it’s something I’m not 100% convinced on) helps others, makes them better people, then that’s more than enough to make me go through with it.

It doesn’t matter to me in what context it made them better, as long as it does, that’s what counts.

And I know it’s similar to the “the end justifies the means” which many people say is wrong… but at least I’m confident that for this particular issue, even the religious people have nothing on me… because that “faith” they have… that’s another example of the end justifying the means; the end being “Heaven”… the means being however you see Religion(s) operate today… even if it may or may not be true.

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