Proposition 8

Hey, it was bound to come up in this blog right? Hahahaha!

So Proposition 8, in a nutshell is, quite frankly, one of those perfect examples why I think “religion” has no place in government policy. Lets be honest here, is there anything else that would make this sort of non-issue an issue? That shit is rooted in religious views no matter how you slice it. But again, I don’t say that religion should mind its own business because of it being “wrong” or “right” – but more of because religion is bound to give rise to conflict in any pluralistic society.

Proposition 8, taken from an article:

…aims to end same-sex marriage in California by amending the constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.

While there certainly are nuances with regards to my stand on this, I’m interpreting “marriage” in this article in a “legal” context. If you can’t find the time to delineate the two, then that’s really not my problem. All the same, I’m going into “legal-union” (i.e. not sacrament) mode as far as this post goes.

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Why do people believe in God?

Good read

We all want to be the person we know ourselves to be, and for others to recognise this and treat us with respect. We want to live without being dominated by fear, to enjoy good relationships, and to have a secure place in our society. No one is better than anyone else by virtue of their beliefs.

When we are able to be the person we know ourselves to be, without vanity or self-pity, we have the wonderful experience of feeling at home with everything that exists. Some people describe this in religious terms, some in terms of nature, but, whatever, we do not feel the need to have a religion tell us what we should believe.

My thoughts exactly. I’m not religious, but I do believe in God… not necessarily the way my religion paints Him to be. – but ultimately, I believe in the existence of a higher being.

BUT, I’m also a skeptic – in the sense that I accept that I don’t know anything for certain – which I think is the fundamental issue between the “extremes” of religious and non-religious. The former always seem so sure, with no exception. I guess that’s fine for the most part, but when it starts affecting their relationships with fellow humans in an unreasonable way, thats when it’s not – that’s why Religion has no place in government – because it’s bound to hit that wall if you tried integrating the two.

As implicitly stated in the TED video I posted a while back. It does NOT take a “belief system” to establish healthy morals or perspective. Most of humanity, regardless of race, culture, or creed, are in solidarity when it comes to what’s fair and just.

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Just had to share

I just saw this comment while surfing the web and I just wanted to share it.

That’s the biggest difference I see between theists and atheists generally… atheists (and honestly, even agnostics) tend to take personal responsibility for what they do in their life and their actions. Theists tend to want to blame other people, other things, circumstances, satan, whatever for whatever bad happens. Strangely, it reminds me of people blaming violent video games for school shootings. Both are a load of crap.

You’re responsible for the choices you make. End of story.

Coming from, I suppose, is the “agnostic” side of the fence; biased as it may be, I have to say that the comment above was spot on. Having some higher being to represent good or evil is just too damn convenient for hardcore believers’ own good.

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Why do we even bother?

There’s something I need to say… something controversial and possibly offensive.

But to understand my concern requires that we be on the same page. So I’d like to ask some questions before I get to the meat of things.

  1. If schools are for educating people – why do we have gender-exclusive schools? Do you think it’s wrong that we have all male/female schools considering the purpose of education is and should be universal? Should the foundation of an educational system be changed because of it?

  2. Why do sports have so much unnecessary rules? Take basketball for instance, isn’t the goal simply to put the ball in the basket? Why must there be a requirement to dribble the ball, not stay in the paint for more than 3 seconds etc. etc. If the minutiae of the sport makes it more complex than it really should be, does that mean that league that made the rules was misguided?

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On Religion

I just got to listen to some radio interview which got me interested in talking about some issues. I’ll explain the “trigger” in a latter post, but suffice to say I’ll probably write a series of posts sensitive topics we usually encounter.

I’ll call it The Political Incorrect Series, In which I plan to give my 2 cents worth on gender, the handicapped, and race. But first off, my favorite: RELIGION.

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