Just had to share

I just saw this comment while surfing the web and I just wanted to share it.

That’s the biggest difference I see between theists and atheists generally… atheists (and honestly, even agnostics) tend to take personal responsibility for what they do in their life and their actions. Theists tend to want to blame other people, other things, circumstances, satan, whatever for whatever bad happens. Strangely, it reminds me of people blaming violent video games for school shootings. Both are a load of crap.

You’re responsible for the choices you make. End of story.

Coming from, I suppose, is the “agnostic” side of the fence; biased as it may be, I have to say that the comment above was spot on. Having some higher being to represent good or evil is just too damn convenient for hardcore believers’ own good.

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Debate on Religion

Here’s an interesting debate between an atheist and a conservative talk show host. I have to say it’s hard not to be biased in favor of the atheist. After all, debates are for rational discussion – and while the believer did try his darndest to rationalize his faith, everyone knows it’s simply impossible… that’s why it’s called faith bub.

Now after acknowledging the advantage the atheist had over the believer, I still have to say that the atheist still wins the debate. He didn’t really have to exert himself too much, yet he still was able to utterly destroy any argument the believer had.

Despite the fact that the setting seems to be on uneven ground – this debate certainly is good for raising awareness on how ridiculous structured religion can get. The reason why I’m at odds with my (and any other) “faith” isn’t because it proposes the existence of a supreme being, but because of the arrogance it tends to exude when presenting the idea. To claim anything definitive about something they clearly do not understand, and worse, to govern worlds by it is really preposterous.

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