
For some odd reason, I found myself wiki-ing the religion which is called Scientology. I guess I saw an RSS feed somewhere discussing how it’s founder was a lunatic, but since I was on the subject, I figured to finally find out what this “Scientology,” which a bunch of high-profile Hollywood people were converting to.

At first I really thought it was the belief in technology or Science (duh). Like how everything can be explained Scientifically (e.g. no invisible all-knowing man who lives up in the sky), that sort of stance. But what I had found was totally different. And I actually had fun digging and searching for more info about it.

Not because it made sense, but quite the opposite: it was utterly ridiculous.

The “benefits” of Scientology, as the testimonials from well-known (but apparently not so bright) actors is how the the said Religion can somehow release the full spiritual potential of its followers. I didn’t dig that deep, but I’m under the impression is that they engage in a process towards something very similar to the concept of “enlightentment.”

I guess to get a rough idea of what the methods of Scientology are, you should read this wiki entry, go to the “Audit” header (which is the central activity of the said religion) and read away.

While I’m not the person who is willing to challenge if or not the Religion is the direct cause of such “benefits.” I have to be honest in saying that for me, these “benefits” are psychosomatic. To be frank, you can probably get the same results if you’re “driven” enough. Same way how self-help books can help people improve their lives, a “religion” is not needed (and in the case of Scientology, is certainly not the cause) to improve one’s self.

While the approach or intention seems decent; that we may be limited mentally (hell I’m even willing to let the whole engram theory slide to an extent), I can’t help but relegate this system of belief to something similar to Philosophy. Philosophy in the general sense makes much more sense (in fact sometimes too much sense that you can start doubting religion). But regardless of its potency, it never claimed to be a religion – which is what makes this Scientology crap so hilarious.

As much as I have my reservations with a bunch of doctrines of even my own Catholic faith, I must say that Scientology really takes the cake in the “bullshit department.”

My favorite is this “information” that is supposedly taught to high-level Scientologists (a level that can be attained for the low, low price of 360,000USD apparently). The religion, like any other religion/cult has its own echelon and the higher you are in rank, then the more “benefits” you get from the Church of Scientology. You dedicate your lives to it, you give all your money to it, and in return you get to learn about:

Those that reach the higher levels (Operating Thetan III) within the Church of Scientology will learn all about Xenu, the evil intergalactic ruler who implanted “thetans” or alien spirits, in Earth’s volcanoes 75 million years ago, after which they escaped and invaded human bodies. The ultimate belief of Scientology is that you are possessed by the spirits of aliens murdered 75 million years ago by “Xenu” and you have to exorcise these spirits. The cost of reaching OT III approaches $360,000.

Can you believe that!? A Religion claiming such? Even Pagan worship made much more sense than this.

Now I have nothing against belief in aliens (in fact I believe there is life outside of our solar system)… but come on! An EVIL INTERGALACTIC RULER? Jeez! Im beginning to think that they must take The Hitchicker’s Guide to the Galaxy very seriously, hell I wouldn’t be surprised if that was their sacred scripture.

When reading along the links (you’ll find soooo much in wikipedia), you can’t help but admire the “old-school” religions. That even if the “stories” told in the holy books may or may not be fiction/myth, at least the articulation of such stories are far more convincing (and timeless) than this Evil Intergalactic Ruler crap.

Oh did I mention that the founder is a science fiction author? Go figure.

Try giving it a go (reading about it of course), it’s actually quite interesting. I mean how could it not be, it’s science-fiction for godssake… we all love sci-fi.

But really, if I were to lose all reason and start believing arbitrarily in some “cool” sci-fi religious setting, I’d sooner take the world from the PC game The Longest Journey than this crap.

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