
I just found out today that I make a pretty damn good teacher. The only requirement being that those I teach should want to learn. I can’t imagine being in a room full of kids teaching them stuff I know they wont remember, but learn as they go along anyways (wether too late or not).

I just finished training some people today about programming. Looking back in the day’s events, I often noticed myself generously explaining more than was required, and that magis was taken in a positive light. I even noticed new people who had nothing to do with our “session” who had just popped out from the other offices to hang out and listen to what I had to say.

I guess it’s a really nice feeling that you’re actually contributing something to people who really appreciate it. It’s not like you’re just explaining stuff academically, but actually explaining why they’re significant in the first place.

The pressure was there at the start, since they had to learn by example… from totally new work I was slated to do for the day… Basically, the work I had to apply my discussion material was something I had just seen then and there. In programming, you know that can be a little tricky.

I did hit some snags, where we all pitched in to figure out – and eventually resolved together. True education for me is if both teacher and students both learn something at the end of the day. And knowing that you’re respected by people who have the capacity to do as good as (or even better than) you is quite fulfilling.

But damn, was it tiring! Everyone’s gone now, and I’m just here waiting for my ride home… good thing they’ve got WiFi here so I’m just blogging away while waiting for the car.

On a totally unrelated note: I’m again feeling how hard it is to force oneself not to be “too available.” You know that feeling when you’re just dying to be with someone, but can’t do it since they might think you’re some attention-starved psycho (not to mention that they don’t even like you). That is a trait I usually attribute to women, but this time I think this is a fitting punishment for me (that I’m feeling this way) – since most of the women I’ve been with hated how I “never had enough time” for them.

I bet those ladies are saying “Good for you prick! Now you know how it feels!”

I will not contest that, but I would have to correct one thing:

I do know how it feels… probably long before (and more often) than any of you ever did.

One Reply to “Education”

  1. I was not a bit surprised when you gave a brief lecture on information—programming literacy. When sharing your knowledge to others it’s a good experience was both revealing and humbling. The rapid development in ICT have greatly widened the digital divide between the haves and the have-nots and if there’s anybody who can bridge the gap probably people like you. Another reality that struck me is that education is must and school is gift. We are all teachers, or should be. Anyone who relays experience to another person is a teacher. Not to transmit your experience is to betray it. I salute you for sharing your talents and for making the most of what you have. Sometimes God arrives with a whisper. Sometimes he falls right in, but no matter how God enters our lives, he always brings something beautiful like you.

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