Home-brewed Flash MP3 player

I’ve finally finished my own Flash-based MP3 player for my site (specifically for the music section). Let me give you a little tour…

The image you see above is an image (for now) of the new player. Pretty spiffy eh? While you can click on it to load the real player, I strongly advise against it for the time being. Take the time to read through this post first – and you’ll eventually get to play with it with a written commentary below.

I’ve included what I thought to be the more useful stuff a person would normally look for in a player. Aside from the regular stuff (title, play/pause/stop, etc.) here’s some more: Read More


I just found out today that I make a pretty damn good teacher. The only requirement being that those I teach should want to learn. I can’t imagine being in a room full of kids teaching them stuff I know they wont remember, but learn as they go along anyways (wether too late or not).

I just finished training some people today about programming. Looking back in the day’s events, I often noticed myself generously explaining more than was required, and that magis was taken in a positive light. I even noticed new people who had nothing to do with our “session” who had just popped out from the other offices to hang out and listen to what I had to say.

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Let there be light!

“Canon Speedlite 550ex”

The flash finally arrived! I opened the box and an unassuming flash came out. Honestly, a cheap looking flash came out of it, as I was expecting something like my friend Nono’s Speedlite. Instead, I held this seemingly fragile thing. However, after using it, I became a believer.

Here’s a test-fire with the Sigma, I just pointed it straight up and faced the mirror and see what happened…

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Waiting for my rocket, err FLASH to come…

“JT Photoworld”

“Sigma Flashes”

“Sigma EF500 DG Super”

Well, Nono texts me at about lunchtime and mentions that JT Photoworld finally had the Sigma Flashes on stock. Better yet, the model was newer than what I was considering the other day.

Anyways, I’ve confirmed the transaction and agreed to pay an extra hundred to have the item delivered to my doorstep. I just hope it makes it today, cuz I’m going to be mighty ticked-off if I don’t get to bring it to the beach tomorrow.

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