Thank You

Mr. Gordon (or is it still senator Gordon at this point?)

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to care enough as to actively advocate your vision in my own little way (as I’m usually apathetic to these sorts of things) I have no regrets in having done my part, no matter how futile it seemed, in trying to open people’s eyes to the truth most of us are not willing to accept… yet.

Please continue your public service in whatever capacity available to you. You, of all people, have already proven that you don’t need to be president to do great things for our people (of course it would speed things up if you were, but I digress).

May you continue to prove what we (your supporters) already know to be true – that regardless of others’ sentiments – you do care for our motherland more than anyone else in the current political landscape – and are willing to do whatever it takes to bring back our country the dignity it deserves.

I’m skeptical, but look forward nonetheless to the day that the Philippines will be ready for someone like you… because God knows we need it badly.

Don’t give up on us, Gordon.

  • Carlo Santos from Pasig City

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