
I was in the market (still am, actually) in replacing some of my home recording equipment, and during my “research” there was this one product video in YouTube that just made me laugh. The product doesn’t matter… it’s the comments.

So it starts with a commenter trolling (or maybe he was sincere, who really cares?) by saying this:

gubbakiller: heep of shit…i had 1…i sent it bac cause it had noise..then they sent it bac n said there was nothing wrong wit it…they have n pro sound…if u is n artis n just wnt 2 mess around then get 1…other wise get a pro tools mini… pro tools hav the best interfaces eva 100%

Then apparently, the grammar police came into the picture and said:

tanner0472: Learn to speak proper english!

The makings of a regular pissing contest (based on users’ command of the english language) right? And it does start off that way – which really ain’t so special if you think about it.

gubbakiller: fuck your mother in the ass…hows my english now dog shit

But then Mr Tanner sends this witty, legitimate answer:

tanner0472: You forgot to capitalize the beginning of each of your sentences, the spacing is wrong on the second sentence, English should be capitalized, and you didn’t punctuate your last sentence. Congratulations, you write the English language like a 3rd grader.

There was a [pathetic] retort by gubbakiller, but it was clear he got burned.
I Dunno, I just found it hilarious… I probably better get some sleep.

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