Of the days that passed

Been a while since I posted, but too much has happened for me to recall every detail so I’ll try to summarize everything.

Early last week, GP, Mr. Jojo, and I watched Madagascar. We tried the premiere theater in Shangri-la (the 300 peso-ish, unlimited popcorn and drink theater). Hilarious movie. I loved those penguins!

Late last week, BP was in Tagaytay for Paola’s wedding. The “kid” of BP (which is ironic since she’s older than most of the newer members including ME) was finally getting hitched. They reserved a cottage for the group in Caleruega… about 10 meters away from the church, which made it extremely easy for us to sleep late and wake up late and still make it without breaking a sweat.

Unfortunately, I developed a severe cough which killed my voice come the reception.

Sunday evening, upon returning home GP and I went to the DWTL mass, but only for the mass, I couldn’t sing since my voice was shot to hell. Glad to see some of the “oldies” still there at least for the Mass.

That same night, we met up with JD, Pia, and Leo (of ACS) to watch Sin City (finally!). All I can say is that I love Jessica Alba. She is a goddess.

Yesterday probably deserves its own post so I’ll stop right here for now.

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