The real use for cute and cuddly pillows…

I finally found another use for my MOGU microbead pillow

*A perfect fit!*

In case you’re wondering why I had to qualify the pillow as a “microbead pillow,” or don’t even know what the hell I’m talking about – Microbead pillows are really nice and soft pillows because of the beads inside them.

Think of a beanbag… then shrink those beans’ diameters to about a third of a millimeter (smaller even), and you have yourself a really, REALLY squeezable, big-assed, stress ball.

I’m pretty sure the Japanese started the trend, but these suckers are spreading like wildfire. And since Christmas is just around the corner, why not get your special someone/s some nice pillows.

Enough of that talk. The point of this post is that I’ve found a use for it other than being an extremely comfortable travel-pillow.

On a separate note, please appreciate the shot – as it was really hard holding and operating a metal-bodied 20D with battery grip and medium-sized lens with one hand… overhead!

4 Replies to “The real use for cute and cuddly pillows…”

  1. cool pic…where did you get those? Found some in stores at Megamall but these were just small travel – kid huggable pillows.

    Oh, I can relate on the difficulty of taking pics with only one hand on a 20d…and you missed the word “not shaking”

  2. The particular pillow was given to me by a friend. She bought it in the US.

    However, there’s this pillow shop in EDSA Shangrila which carries a ton of micro-bead pillows – I forget the name though.

    Most are for travelling, but my GF and I saw a really long one (like those hotdog pillows for sleeping) which was also “micro-beaded”

    Check the store out, you may find what you’re looking for.

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