It’s been a while

Been quite a while since my last post. Been extremely busy with different stuff.

Right now, I’m gathering some Apple applications from different sources…

At the end of this month, I’ll be having a taste of the “Dark Side” (or see the light as others would put it) by getting myself an Apple Powerbook!

I would like to call it the dark side since I’m primarily a PC user… and will continue to be one as far as the desktop realm is concerned. It has nothing to do with the whole PC vs. Mac trolling – I simply prefer the PC when it comes to serious stuff (songmaking), since the platform has wealth of software options which are easy to acquire.

On the other side of the coin, unlike desktops – laptops cost a lot of money. You can upgrade little parts of your desktop all you want… but for laptops, upgrading usually translates to buying a new laptop. Powerbooks practically go against the rules of obsolesence in terms of performance and value depreciation as they’re simply too damn sexy no matter how old they are… and OSX makes the speed/performance issue easier for the end user than any PC-based laptop.

I was actually ready to buy it via credit card the other day, but the surcharge would’ve killed me. Totally not worth the additional 11k surcharge.

Unless there’s a different standard by the end of the month, I’m pretty sure that these are the specs of the Powerbook.

  • 15″ Powerbook
  • 1.5 GHz G4 cpu
  • 1GB RAM
  • 80GB 5400rpm HDD
  • Mobile Radeon 9700 64MB
  • 4x superdrive

I would want to upgrade the vidcard too, but that would entail a 45-60 day delay. Why didn’t I choose the 17″? I did initially, but after much reflection, I didn’t really want something as big as a food tray. Plus the fact that part of the reason I got my Boblbee Mentor is for the laptop… and the 17″ simply won’t fit.

And I’ve used my friend’s 15″er, and am extremely happy with its size – ergo there’s no doubt in my mind that this is the size for me.

One Reply to “It’s been a while”

  1. Mac na pare ko!!!! Ngayon lang yan sinasabi mo na PC user ka parin when it comes to the desktop realm. After you get a full taste of the Mac itatapon mo na desktop mo or probably sell it and get a G5. Hehehe

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