Your Majesty

Stevie asked for the lyrics of my song Your Majesty, for a reflection thingie he has with his friends from Singles For Christ.

After I had given the lyrics, he asked which parts are the chorus, bridge, etc. You know, the structural aspects of the song.

I realized that I did not know…

Come to think of it, the song’s pretty much “flowing” with semblances of choruses before the second “part” at best. You could always say the break in the normal tonality of the song could [possibly] be the bridge, but if you continue on, it just kept on changing.

All things considered, I realized that structurally, Your Majesty doesn’t make any sense – and that it would be a prime candidate to be scorned by any listener with a decent sense of “poetry” in him/her.

But amazingly, listening to it again, it still “fits” for some strange reason. And feedback of that song has been great too. Even GP never pointed out the strange “structure” (or lack of one). Very strange indeed.

Oh well, if it works for other people, then it works for me too =)

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