ImageTank G2

“ImageTank G2”

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Actually, this probably belongs to the Technology category… but who cares?

I finally bought the ImageTank G2 I was talking about in my other post

Here it is:

*My Photography storage needs are solved!*

The picture above shows how it fares size-wise with my XDAII. As you can see, it’s pretty thick, but not that big.

The box comes with:

  • Manual
  • Brochure showing the product line (including the G2.5 and G3, which are missing from the official website)
  • Software/Drivers
  • Leather carrying-case (can be attached to a belt)
  • DC adapter
  • AC converter

The “AC” power is actually a DC adapter plugged through an AC converter. This means that the primary power cable of the unit is using a Direct Current. If you want to plug it to an outlet, you take the same DC cable and use it with the AC converter.

When opening the unit, I noticed it came with a 30GB Fujitsu 4200rpm hard drive. This was waaaay more than what I really need, but hey I’m not complaining. 4200rpm is pretty slow for a HDD, but then it’s a portable device, so better to have less heat when you could (who am I kidding, I just want to justify having a measley 4200rpm HDD hehehe). At least 30GB makes up for it (4,500 RAW shots right there).

On the downside, the laptop HDD is simply “slid” into the HDD pins of the G2, with no bracket to hold it in place whatsoever. To make things worse; it’s connected upwards, so the forces of gravity may disconnect an already loose HDD connection (if the unit is standing up).

Fortunately in my case, the friction is pretty tight on the HDD and probably won’t disconnect unless you drop the thing (which will probably destroy the HDD anyways). Having said that, this design flaw is forgivable in my opinion; just take care of the thing. Other than running after [or being chased by] wild beasts in their photography, I’m sure anybody can excercise a decent amount of care for their ImageTank.

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