New CMS of choice

I have now switched to MovableType instead of Nucleus Extreme Edition as my Content Management System of choice. Funny though I’m just using such systems for blogging.

Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the only thing they have in common are their version numbers.

“Canon EOS 300D / Digital Rebel”

“MovableType 3.0”

“Nucleus Extreme Edition”

Version 3.0 Nucleus is pretty good. In fact I could say in terms of management of the database, it is the better CMS.

However, it absolutely sucks at skinning. Required me to re-upload CSS files, change multiple templates when in fact they could’ve used one for multiple sections.

Now MovableType, has one of the easieast skinnable interfaces, which I really need come the time when I actually get to finish designing the “look” of <

But I absolutely hate the way it uses flatfiles. I’ve installed and configured it to use the MySQL database, but I seem to see no tables created. People say it makes bots easier to find the blog. Why should I care about how bots find the blog? Hehehe

But in the long run, I’m a biggie on looks . . . having MovableType makes it easy to change looks quickly and efficiently, so I guess I could sacrifice a little.

I just wish I could get these blog settings finalized so I can start fiddling with my [Rebel][]!

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