
Here’s my version of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah.

It’s based off Jeff Buckley’s [already] excellent version; but of course I changed it enough to justify calling it a new version 🙂

Hope you like it.

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So I decided to ditch Vista from my PC’s triple boot setup and put OS X in place of it. Basically what I wanted was to use Aperture on my desktop because it was dog slow on my Macbook Pro.

Now that the installation was a success, it would be perfect for graphics editing in general (Apple always did graphics better… with the exception of graphics performance in gaming)

So now I’ve got 2 XPs (one for work, another for my Digital Audio Workstation), and OS X for heavy duty photo editing via Aperture and probably general use now that I’ve experienced just how fast it is. Read More

Forcing a Time Machine size limit

After getting my Time Capsule, I’ve now started using Time Machine (TM) to backup my data.

The “image” file TM uses is variable. Upon the creation and first backup; it starts out small (or whatever size the data you’ve just backed up). It does however grow over time as it tries to retain copies of old files as well. So basically the bigger the space it can work with, the further “back in time” you could restore your files as it were.

Now that’s all fine and dandy, but they should really give the user an option to specify how big they allow this image to be. And I’ll explain in a sec why this is something you’d want… as well as how to accomplish it. Read More

Why you should use Flickr

It’s been a long while since I last posted anything – doing NYC hours for work can really take its toll on you. But during the day, when not doing errands, or hanging out with my girlfriend (or sleeping). I’ve been tweaking nargalzius.com quite a bit.

Of course a lot of other stuff has happened but lets save those for another day. This time I just want to pimp Flickr after something I recently did with my site.

Just recently, I finally convinced myself to sign-up with Flickr‘s premium membership to lift the limitations of the free service (infinite upload bandwidth and collection/set creation, etc.).

Now I’ve always had the preference to use Flickr for all my picture needs. After all, even the free service they have already has pleny-a-benefit if you want to have reliable image hosting that can embedded anywhere. I even didn’t mind the premium membership price because it was well worth it.

The only reason I didn’t go all-Flickr was because for a “personal gallery,” I really wanted people accessing it through my domain and have the layout/design gel with my sites overall theme. Hence, I used to have a separate gallery for my actual photo sets. And just used Flickr as a general repository for images I use for blog posts. Read More