Interesting Google thing

Well, I guess it was pretty obvious that I beat every single human being in the world to the punch when it comes to nargalzius. Well except Dan Akkroyd – who actually coined the name (from the movie She’s Having a Baby, ending credits).

Having said all that, might I add that it’s worth mentioning that not only am I #1 in the results of a google search of the word “nargalzius,” but apparently, [almost] every goddamn hit it makes is directly related to me!

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Updates and other stuff

Updated the nBLOG Photo Archive (not to be confused with the main gallery) to paginate the photos. Since the photos used in the blog are small(ish) – there’s no need to generate thumbnails, but loading all of them in one page has its share of penalties with regards to bandwidth. The pagination of the pages should solve this problem.

I also will be applying the pagination to the complete article archive for the same reasons. Read More

I love RSS – and so should you

You know, we’d be lying if we said we didn’t care if people read our blogs or not. If that were the case, we wouldn’t be wasting our time getting in front of our machines, surfing to our sites and posting entries riddled with other crap, like hyperlinks such as this (which doesn’t go anywhere by the way) and formatting some words a certain way.

Doing these things takes time… considerably more time than if we had just written our thoughts on a piece of paper (or a notebook if it makes you feel better).

Faced with such a reality, I figured that while trying to “market” my site’s content, I might as well advocate an extremely useful tool/technology while I’m at it.

Friends and I were discussing how much of a godsend RSS was and how we are able to keep up with all our friends and aquaintances’ blogs without breaking a sweat. It was simple, really simple syndication (pun intended). Read More

A child was born

Actually, this is just a test for the “OnThisDay” Plugin, which will probably activate by mid next year (as soon as the years of my entries overlap)

Since I’m posting, might as well make it useful:

If I had a dollar for every time I was asked about how I chose my handle… So here’s the deal, once and for all.

The name is derived from the ending credits of the movie “She’s Having a Baby” – where actors were giving suggestions of infant names. Dan Akkroyd suggested “Nargalzius” and “Slagathor” which were of course hilarious at the time I was watching.

Furthermore, Nargalzius when pronounced properly (nar-GAL-zee-us), had a sort of regal sound to it – like something right out of the Tolkein world. I also though that maybe I’d be the first one in the internet to use such a handle, which was true. I got first dibs to the name on ANY account I created online – except for AIM (and by today, a bunch of others I guess)

Funny thing is, the ONLY other person (to my knowledge) who actually uses the internet handle sought me out in the net a couple of years back; out of sheer curiosity. Turns out that we derived the name from the same movie. And we were joshing about how I beat him to the punch on all major online accounts at that time (he apparently was the one who got the AIM account hehehe)

Not surprising, but a very amusing coincidence.

Now I switch between Nargalzius or Nargz (or if you’re a college buddy, it would be ‘sex’ – but that’s a whole different conversation altogether) 🙂