The hardest part about being right

I remember one really old martial arts movie I saw, 1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it where one of the protagonists had said the lines below; begging to be taken back into the team.

“It’s the only thing I know… [the only thing] that I’m good at.

This is true for everyone in the planet: We all make mistakes, and all are stupid in our own little (or big) ways. Yet at the same time, we have worth, and there are things that we may just “know” better than anyone else.

Based on experience, I have found out that, at least for me, the most important “lessons” one could teach are the same ones that we desperately wish people would really listen to – and by some sick joke of God, are the very things people refuse to listen to. Read More


1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it

Are you happy?

Here’s another one of those “Manual to my life” posts. This entry in particular explains (in part) why I have a generally “positive” disposition – despite having the same (or probably even more difficult) challenges in life just like any other person.

It doesn’t have anything to do with being “happy” or “positive” – but the simple fact that I refuse to be “negative.” What do I mean when I say that? Read on…

I don’t like people who complain. Well that’s not really true; I embrace everyone’s mystery 🙂

But if you want to test my patience, then the quickest way to get me going is to complain – bonus points if you try to spin it in such a way that you’re kawawa – if you’re lucky enough; I might just decide to step in and beat you with a stick – and I think people will agree that you don’t want to be at the business end of that stick (oh wait, depends what “stick” we’re talking about hehehe). Read More

Synthesizing Happiness

What do you call the process of looking a the brighter side of things – when you see the glass as half-full instead of the other way around? Positive thinking? Sure, we can call it that.

But what if it’s something you clearly had not wanted, but just convinced yourself eventually that it was all for the best? Here are the two top examples which illustrate such a scenario:

  1. Any person (most of the time, it’s the woman) who has settled for less than what they had really wanted in a partner.
  2. Any parent who thinks their child is perfect – bonus points if the child has an actual mental or physical handicap.

It’s those people which these two words are perfect for: Synthesized Happiness.

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