VFF Classics tensioner hack

In my previous post, I demonstrated a way to add a little something to make that darned Vibram tab behave itself. Unfortunately for me, there was no joy in the compounds I’ve been using for glue. So I ended up reversing the mod and think of another way to deal with my issues.

I revisited the idea of cutting the cord, but still couldn’t push through with it. Testicular fortitude FAIL. I did recall, however, one comment in that thread that held a lot of promise.

In summary, it suggested a way to take away the tensioner… without having to cut the cord. Even better; it’s possible to do it in a way that you’d still be able to put the tensioner back! This means you’ll be able to experiment with the feeling of having the cord cut 1 Since the tensioner being gone will give enough slack on the strap to not tighten the shoe in any way. without having to drastically modify a “core design feature” of the Classic line. 2 And admit it, the tab/branding is nice if it only would behave itself.

So if you’re considering cutting the cord altogether, this would be a good way to “test” if you’ll regret your decision. Read More


1 Since the tensioner being gone will give enough slack on the strap to not tighten the shoe in any way.
2 And admit it, the tab/branding is nice if it only would behave itself.

Vibram Classics velcro modification

Obviously, only Vibram Classic users will notice the little nuance in the photo above.

For those who didn’t catch it, the tab is tucked [mostly] flush to the heel instead of just sticking out. This has been a constant source of annoyance for myself and other Classic users – especially since the tab tends to go off-center for whatever reason when you just leave it alone.

I know it’s just a cosmetic issue… but if it could be solved then why not, right? Read More

Vibram Five Fingers

A lot of friends have been asking about my new “footwear” – especially since I wear them almost exclusively nowadays regardless of how controversial they “look.” While it’s nothing Google can’t answer, I’ll try to explain what the deal is with these shoes for those who are “tamad” to do the research.

Before getting into the details, let me answer one of the questions that’s often been asked: are they really that good? 1 and by “good” they probably mean “comfortable” To that, my answer would be “depends how much you like doing stuff barefoot.”

Having said that, in my case, ultra-mega-fuckin’ good! Read More


1 and by “good” they probably mean “comfortable”

Hocus PCOS

I’ve mentioned my general opinions regarding this topic. But I guess it would be helpful to drill down deeper.

The thing that makes this issue complicated is that both sides have their respective legitimate arguments – and the “problem” I see is how people assume something has happened simply based on the possibility that it can.

That mindset, while legitimate to a certain extent, is unfair to use in the field of technology because it is an uncontested fact that any system, given enough time, can be compromised. The goal of security experts has always been to, at the very least, make it extremely difficult for any hacker to accomplish such a task in a reasonable amount of time.

So given the elections, that’s quite a slim window of opportunity to get anything done unless you’ve already got a hack in place. That means the system already has to have defeated from the get-go – wether it by knowing the 128bit encryption cypher, or that you’ve tampered with all the PCOS machines, or that you somehow managed to tamper with all remote receiving servers.

Again, these are all possibilities… but you can see how foolish it can be to assume any one of them has happened based on unsubstantiated claims. Read More

Last Salvo

This has got to be one of the most difficult posts I’ve had to articulate to date. There really is no way of saying what I want to say “diplomatically” as it it’s bound to offend or disappoint any “idealist” out there. It’s like trying to explain calmly to a woman how a man’s mind really works (the horror!) despite them desperately wanting to believe otherwise. I’d take arguments over Religion anytime.

Anyways, enough of that. This post hopefully will be my last with regards to the political events that have transpired recently. 1 I will continue commenting on posts though hahahaha, I’m still waiting for my “i told you so” moment, which I believe will come soon enough. At this point, I think I really have to get back to worrying about the stuff in my regular “life.”

I actually had wanted to post this much much earlier (like right after the election), but couldn’t find an “angle” to use as a springboard. The reason was because the last thing I wanted was to post it late in the game and people would think Dude, you’re still hung up on this? Get over it!

But thanks to a friend of mine who felt passionate about the whole issue, and took offense to how I simply generalized Noynoy supporters believing in the false notion of mabait = magaling. I was called out publicly, which I didn’t mind. 2 I can take it as much as I can dish it out – further proof that I resonate with Gordon So thankfully, now I do have that “avenue” I was looking for to get to post my thoughts – because I’d like people to understand where I’m coming from.

So, where should I begin… Read More


1 I will continue commenting on posts though hahahaha, I’m still waiting for my “i told you so” moment, which I believe will come soon enough.
2 I can take it as much as I can dish it out – further proof that I resonate with Gordon