
There was a post by Jim Paredes about the top 5 regrets people have when their lives are at an end (both figuratively and literally).

  1. I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.

  2. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

  3. I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.

  4. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

  5. I wish I had let myself be happier. Read More

Reality saved my soul

The title of this video is actually “Science Saved My Soul” – but of course, having the same temperament as the speaker id sooner say “life/reality.” Science is a tool [just like Religion may very well be] to understanding the world – but at the end of the day we are trying to make sense of what is real.

If there is one thing I would change about this video, it would only be that the author should’ve tried to be more “diplomatic” in the parts where he directly addressed the points of religion/atheism (i.e. lessen the bias against the former)

But don’t get me wrong, it’s well articulated as is – and any open-minded thinker, religious or otherwise, would not have any issues with his claims. But of course the goal is always to reach as many people as you can to make them see something they never bothered trying to see – so it wouldn’t hurt to be more “diplomatic.” I was thinking he should’ve presented it the way Carl Sagan did with the Pale Blue Dot

But all in all, I think it’s a beautiful piece. And well worth the time to watch regardless of your “affiliation.” Read More


I’ve been posting way too much stuff on FaceBook (FB) about the RH Bill, and it’s not funny anymore. So I’ll try to just say everything in this post and hopefully not have to talk about it again (or if I do – I’ll sound less like a broken record)

While I [obviously] feel strongly about it, it’s not really that specific issue (RH Bill) which bothers me so much – it’s really the implications the issue entails. When I first heard about the Church’s intention to “meddle” (for lack of a better term) in the bill, a lot of concerns I’ve leveled against “religion(s)” in any of my past posts came screaming back. And so I felt compelled to reiterate myself.

Before I get into this, full disclosure: I’m not an atheist, in fact, I sing for a [fairly influential] religious group and if you’re curious as to how someone with my “temperament” has even managed to put himself in such a “situation” – well, you’re going to have to figure that shit out on your own 😉

While I do believe in God and the value of Religion, I admit to resonating more with the secularist view of the world on almost all real-world issues. Not because I’m a liberal thinker, nor to piss off religion, nor do I want to “challenge” my intellect by defending the minority 1 Because I’m sure we still are the minority – but simply because pound for pound, the secularist view on real-world issues has always been the more reasonable/sensible one.

So this post is actually about my take on Secularism vs the Church – not the RH bill. I will be quoting, linking to, and commenting on articles that we’re written in lieu of the RH Bill issue. But the main meat of this would be why I think the Church has dropped the ball. Read More


1 Because I’m sure we still are the minority

When Idealism Holds the Mind Hostage

This is what you get when you choose symbols over true leadership. – Carlos Celdran

Cris IMed me and told me that this article in was so me.

And indeed, a lot of the points it had were concerns I’ve already raised in a post I wrote last May

So early in the game and it seems like things are turning out the way we had anticipated.

For the record, everything I say below may sound harsh and pessimistic, but I still try to cut the current administration some slack – after all, at this juncture we’re quite literally stuck with them for a few years. I just feel that I need to raise these points so that people who support him would listen – for the next time we have to vote for a leader.

It’s a long shot, but hopefully this post can give enough solid arguments to convince people that you should not vote with sentiment, but with logic. Read More