La Mesa Nature Reserve

Best 200 bucks a biker could ever pay for; up to 40km 1 20 in our case since a lot of routes were closed due to the rainy season of non-linear trail. I only wished Cris was there to “enjoy” (and by “enjoy,” I mean go through the hellish uphills as well) it with me.

Click to view gallery

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1 20 in our case since a lot of routes were closed due to the rainy season

La Mesa Ecopark

Cris and I usually make Sundays “biking day” – and last Sunday, we decided to mix it up a bit, packed some food, then went to La Mesa Ecopark first thing in the morning. Hoping that the Pac-Man/Hitman fight would mean less people – we were wrong.

As usual, some GoogleMap chronicling available here, gallery pictures here Read More

Tour of the Fireflies

Cris and I just finished our first Tour of the Fireflies. Didn’t exactly go according to plan, but nonetheless, she can now say that she went from Tiendesitas to somewhere in the north… to Makati and back on a bike… pretty impressive for someone who just learned how to ride a bike. I’m so proud of her!

Don’t try this at home kids (taking videos while biking)
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Again, can’t think of a apt title so there.

I’ve decided that its too much of hassle to use my trunk-mounting bicycle rack for carrying the bikes.

  1. It takes a good 5-10 minutes to set the rack up and make sure everything’s nice and tight. 1 You don’t want something like that coming lose while driving
  2. Trunk is rendered “unusable” from the outside at that point; I have to spend another five minutes organizing the backseat to collapse (allowing access to the trunk from the inside 2 Not to mention the challenge of moving my pillows. etc.
  3. Mounting the actual bikes to the rack is also a challenge; I have to make sure the pedals, forks, etc. are positioned a certain way so that it’s easy to tighten down and not have them scratching each other.
  4. All this is usually done in the sun… #3 is done at least 4 times 3 Mounting, unmounting when we get to the venue, mounting before you go home, unmounting when you get home
  5. Speed of driving is severely hindered; anything past 60 and you can feel the rack rocking…

So I decided to “retire” it and get a proper system despite the risk of botching up the look of my car. Practicality won this time.

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1 You don’t want something like that coming lose while driving
2 Not to mention the challenge of moving my pillows. etc
3 Mounting, unmounting when we get to the venue, mounting before you go home, unmounting when you get home