You (Bukas Palad)

Right on the heels of recording Whenever, Wherever, Whatever, I decided to keep my mixer on in the hopes of it “recovering” from the damage (to no avail).

I pulled out the Minus One (M1) copies I had of our choir’s [Bukas Palad] albums and had a go at my favorite song from Let Your Praises Be Heard

While it’s impossible to surpass Jet Pangan’s rendition, I’m definitely going to sing this song this way should I get the chance in concerts hahahaha

I just wished I had a “Plus One” (that’s what we call our minus ones with backing vocals) copy for this song so it would sound like I’m actually singing with the choir 🙂

Aside from the obvious different interpretation and embellishments, the only noticable change would be at the end of the song where I added some “outro words” (for lack of a better term)

Recorded this similarly to GP’s “pre-accompanied” arrangements (where he provided the M1s so I would just lay in a vocal track): So its a flat M1 file and another track for the vocals.

Still the same issue with the mastering; I really need to invest in some decent reference grade near field monitors – it seems my “music making/recording” phase is about to come again… it would suck to be pumping out songs that I couldn’t master properly.

One Reply to “You (Bukas Palad)”

  1. this one’s beautiful 🙂 for some weird reason, your music makes me feel “in love.” i want to marry a musician na tuloy! LOL.

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