Perez Hilton

I don’t know exactly what people’s opinions are on the recent kerfuffle regaring Perez Hilton’s reaction to that beauty pageant contestant’s stance about gay marriage. But I’m irked enough to make this totally politically incorrect post all because of him – and not regret doing it at all.

Flame all you want, this is what I truly believe so fuck anyone who gets bent out of shape because of it. And yes, fuck me too; because I seem to be getting bent out of shape myself as well hahaha – so we’re even.

While it’s not even close to being a long shot, but I hope that bastard still can get “offended” because I really would like to hope against hope that what I’m about to say here could still hit him where it hurts [even more].

You (Perez), are pathetic; there was nothing wrong with the contestants’ statement. It may be misguided depending on where you stand, but she answered it fairly, without meaning to insult anyone. In fact, I’m racking my brains how her answer would offend anyone apart from the fact that she holds a different opinion. It’s just the same as me, a Catholic, asking if a jew acknowledges Jesus as Lord and Savior.

I bet you never expected anyone to actually answer a question like that – and actually take the side of conservatives did you? If you don’t like to hear those kinds of answers, then don’t ask the fucking question in the first place!

Then you go on using your public clout to slander her, for what… answering honestly and respectfully?

You are a pathetic excuse of a homosexual. Why not try and think about other decent gay people who are trying their best to represent homosexuality in order to get them accepted in society as a whole? It’s people like you which make the alpha males hate your kind… it’s people like you that get gay kids beaten up or bullied, or god forbid, even killed.

You are a perfect epitome of a FAGGOT. And I say the word exactly the way people fear it could be used; the same way white supremacists would call a black men “niggers,” 1 Even Chris rock had a skit saying “I love black people, but boy, do I hate niggers!” God, I even wish the word faggot would hurt more than it sounds… because I feel just typing it out isn’t enough to drive the point home.


I feel I have to qualify my usage. What, to me, constitutes being a “faggot” in the evil sense I’m using it right now. Let me try my best to explain:

There are hateful traits women have that make men call them “bitches,” and hateful traits men have that make women call them “assholes,” lesbians/homosexuals are no exception. 2 Actually to be honest, I don’t think there is a hateful lesbian trait come to think of it; they (the non-butch ones) are just hot. Homosexuals on the other hand, DEFINITELY

For homosexuals, the trait I’m talking about 3 At least gay people in the Philippines, not sure if it’s the same across the globe is how they act like “prima donnas” – and can get so obnoxiously prissy.

This behavior is much worse than women’s “bitchiness” because they’re usually really noisy and make too much of a big deal about something – and act henceforth as if their sole purpose in life is to destroy people’s reputations – like a petulant child who’s out to gather “peeps” to join him because he can’t deal with it like a man (which he still is, anatomically speaking).

So whenever anyone acts that way (yes, anyone), I literally think in my head “oh God, what a faggot this guy/girl is” – precisely because, in my opinion, that particular trait is mostly exhibited by, err… faggots 😉

And the trait I’ve just described, it sounds familiar eh? Which is why he fits the bill perfectly.

I swear, all this almost makes me want the conservatives to be right – just so people like Perez would burn in hell because of their orientation – but I’m not that evil (plus I would never wish that on my gay friends) – so I’ll stick with calling him a faggot.

For the record, I support/respect legal gay marriages, but after all that faggot’s bruhahah, I’m sorely tempted to reiterate what I argued about gay marriage in a past post.

Seriously, if you see how people like Perez carry themselves… could you really blame conservatives for thinking that homosexuality is an abomination? I personally am not conservative, but honestly, if “gay acceptance” entailed having faggots like Perez running amuck in the world, I would seriously consider being anti-gay as well. I’m just glad (or hope) he doesn’t represent the gay community, it would be tragic if he did.

Faggots like him are only fun (not even good) for gossip, 4 Everyone loves a good issue to talk about and being made fun of; otherwise they have absolutely no positive contribution to society. He doesn’t realize how lucky he is to have the “influence” he has… it’s a shame he’s wasting it on being such a faggot instead of a gay person that can really make a difference.

To organizers of any event: Do the world a favor and never get people like him anymore; it really cheapens your event to know that you actually have him as a “judge” (or guest judge, whatever). I wish that people like him just die into obscurity and non-significance. Unfortunately, ratings trumps substance in that sort of industry 🙁

You (Perez) do not deserve the respect/tolerance from people who aren’t comfortable with homosexuality because you have proven [yourself] that you are incapable of extending that very same courtesy you claim to be fighting for. That’s why I don’t feel what I’m doing now is a double standard; you are a nth-class human 5 Probably just above the child molesters as far as I’m concerned and deserve to be treated as such.

You did all of this for you, you selfish fucking faggot media whore – not your “cause.” Shame on you!


1 Even Chris rock had a skit saying “I love black people, but boy, do I hate niggers!”
2 Actually to be honest, I don’t think there is a hateful lesbian trait come to think of it; they (the non-butch ones) are just hot. Homosexuals on the other hand, DEFINITELY
3 At least gay people in the Philippines, not sure if it’s the same across the globe
4 Everyone loves a good issue to talk about
5 Probably just above the child molesters

8 Replies to “Perez Hilton”

  1. Spot on! I don’t have anything against homosexuals, just that I don’t like this kind of attitude that some homosexuals are often linked to. For the record, I have some homosexual friends, but they’re not like that.

    Btw, it’s “petulant” (with an a, not an e) 🙂

  2. Whoopsie, I missed that error (as I do with a lot of posts), I’m sure meron pang mga its/it’s errors din diyan among others (the usual suspects) hahaha kakatamad i-proof read.

    It’s funny nga, na that “attitude” can be ok when done in the spirit of humor. Being what I call “fabulously gay” can be fun – because people like that are often the life of otherwise boring parties. So I don’t mind them being like that when it’s all in good spirit and all for a good time.

    Pero once they start doing it sincerely… it’s just downright obnoxious na; so irritating, that it makes you want to pound their faces in.

    Double standard ba to be thinking that way? Ewan ko ba, basta that’s how I feel about it.

  3. I mean the guy draws cum on celebrities’ faces. Not really sure how what he did (or does) would ever merit a post by you. Especially not when it makes you run the risk of being perceived as a hater. I agree that he should have respected her answer (rare for a beauty queen to actually risk her crown by being true to herself), but shouldn’t you also exercise refraint in lashing out on the blogger for behaving like himself as well?

  4. but shouldn’t you also exercise refraint in lashing out on the blogger for behaving like himself as well?

    It is erroneous to expect me to “also” <insert noble sentiment> for the following reason(s)

    First, I had no such goal of making any noble sentiment/statement in particular when I wrote the post. Perez on the other hand, was using the sentiment of “equality and respect” as leverage to slander the woman.

    We all know these sorts of topics will boil down to concepts of tolerance, respect, understanding of different views/opinions. But the way he reacted, was the exact opposite of, ironically, the concept(s) he was trying to “make a point out of.”

    So my reaction/post wasn’t really to make some “point,” but simply to slam on him because of his hypocrisy

    Second, I stated my views, not to convince people, but to simply show why I’m reacting that way (I believe I also admitted at the onset, that I knew I was getting bent out of shape) and I’m fully prepared of how other people will react to what I said. But there’s nothing in my post that I would change. My stance on that annoying “faggoty trait” would still be the same because it is annoying. I don’t think admitting that I find it annoying is a sign of allegiance to either side. I have much more issues with women (as past posts would prove) – does that mean I hate women? I’m sure everyone who knows me knows how ridiculous that is 😉

    Third, given what I said above, it begs the simple question: Why should he deserve the respect he’s [extremely] pushing for when he himself wouldn’t give it? He wasn’t decent, period – so I for one, think he, deserves no decency in return. Hence the tone of my post.

    Lastly, I’m a nobody, so it doesn’t matter how noisy I can get. He on the other hand has a following and influence… “with power comes responsibility” and he’s being very irresponsible.

    So overall, I guess the single sentence answer I could’ve given to answer your question would be this:

    “I would exercise refraint, and respect ANY person being themself only if they deserve it.”

    Unfortunately, Perez himself made abundantly clear if he deserved it or not.

    As for the “hater” thing – that’s just a risk I’ll have to take. If there’s anything I “regret” it’s not what I said, but that I actually felt compelled enough to say it; that I had to be affected so much by it – especially since I didn’t have to. Apparently, “little miss conservative” seems to be just as much of a hero to the people as she’s a villain to those who agree with Perez.

    She’s handled everything like a champ. And I salute her. She certainly came on top this time, and given that her [conservative] opinion isn’t one the majority holds… that’s really telling of how fucked up Perez’ side was during that incident.

  5. Exactly. I was simply surprised you even gave it the light of day. Again, this is somebody who goes by the NAME of Perez Hilton. Controversy is his game. I feel uneasy even by the fact that I had to react to your reaction. Haha. But I feel that anyone who takes Perez Hilton too seriously always ends up shooting themselves in the foot because that’s a level to which one must never ever stoop. Let him have his 15 million site hits of fame. Matatapos din ang masasayang araw niya. I mean, even if we take the high road and talk about Ms. California, we end up talking about a beauty contest. Kakaiba.

  6. For the record, I support/respect legal gay marriages, but after all that faggot’s bruhahah, I’m sorely tempted to reiterate what I argued about gay marriage in a past post.

    A lot of Filipinos readily assume that the only kind of “marriage” there is is the sacrament kind, mostly because of the super ridiculous heavy influence the Catholic Church has on almost all aspects of our culture. So your past post differentiating the kinds of marriages is both nakakainis and nakakatawa in its ugh-ness (I’ve resorted to code switching and word invention, great). It’s annoying that that has to be explained pa when clearly, there is a difference. The sooner we can step out of the shackles of (poorly) organized religion, the better off we are. And yes, I am a Christian. (That qualifying remark was for the others who are reading this, not for you, of course.)

    On Perez…he’s such douche anyway. (He can’t even pronounce “Perez” accurately. I hate how words get mispronounced and gain colloquial momentum just because a majority of Americans are too arrogant and/or lazy to even bother knowing how to properly pronounce words based on the language of origin. But I’ve gone completely off-tangent. Might as well make this a parenthetical statement…let me enclose this whole mini-rant in parentheses then.)


  7. It’s annoying that that has to be explained pa when clearly, there is a difference.

    Hahaha, I guess I felt the need to “spell out” what should’ve been obvious (to people like us) because:

    Granted dito sa pinas masyado makitid yung views to realize the difference. But taking the passing of Proposition 8 in California as an example; if the “difference” was clear to more “developed nations” (i.e. America) – why did Prop 8 pass (or why was it considered in the first place)?

    If “most people,” as you would suggest, really knew the difference, they should’ve thought “oh, this is obviously legal marriage rights we’re talking about.” and Prop 8 would’ve never seen the light of day in that context.

    On the flip-side; if it was context of the sacrament, it gets worse; it means gay people making noise about it were feeling too entitled – and my past post detailing the sacrament’s side would’ve been justified at that point.

    So lumalabas, any way we look at it, it’ll boil down to Religious views (sacrament) successfully interfering on what should’ve been something based simply on equality (legal). Which suggests that maybe we’re being too hopeful in assuming most know the difference.

    Of course, there’s the fact that it’s _only_ in CA; and maybe the only reason it passed was because CA lawmakers were idiots. Still, CA is a huge state, which doesn’t bode well for the statistics.

    What do you think?

    Ditto on Perez’s name; ironic pa nga kse it’s obviously a play on “Paris Hilton,” and the proper way of saying “Perez” would’ve sounded closer di ba?

  8. I think because I surround myself with like-minded liberals, it’s easy for me to generalize public opinion (or intelligence, for that matter) — that they lean towards my own way of thinking. So you’re right, not everybody necessarily knows the difference between those two kinds of marriages.

    They should though. Those [bleep]s. LOL! x)

    The fact that Prop 8 was passed in California is scary, but then again, there are other states like Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Iowa (if I’m not mistaken). Ever since naman I’ve never really been impressed with California e.

    I mean, for Pete’s sake, that’s where Perez Hilton lives. (I just wanted to come full circle, LOL!) 😉

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