Congrats Ateneo

People know (or my friends at least) that I’m not really big into the whole UAAP thing (my sister is though). They also know that while my sister and I studied in Ateneo, we root for La Salle.

Having said that, I should be feeling sad… but I’m not.

I can honestly say that this season, Ateneo deserves the championship – unequivocally. They’ve been the best and consistently performing team throughout the season, bar none (nag-sweep ba sila; as in walang talo the whole season? it seems that way eh).

As much as it pains me to say it, the whole “mayabang ang Atenista kasi meron ipagyayabang,” which is one of the main reasons I don’t share the school’s “spirit;” I will let slide this time. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Your team definitely earned and deserved it. Just don’t overdo it folks!

I’m not sad partly because I really don’t pay attention to the UAAP all that much. I only “care” if its a matchup between DLSU and Ateneo. 1 With the exception of the DLSU – FEU matchup when Arwind Santos was still playing for FEU. And it’s worth mentioning that I hadn’t gotten the chance to watch any game this whole season. But the main reason I don’t feel bad is because the major “factors” that made me despise Ateneo isn’t present in this incarnation of the team.

I have three reasons for not rooting for Ateneo:

  1. When I was tuned in the UAAP more, there were two players that ruined it for me: Enrico “Malone” Villanueva, and Wesley “Bryant” Gonzales. The former, just because we thought it was totally pathetic that the captain and biggest person of the team was a choker during the time when you had a rookie like LA Tenorio playing his heart out – and trying to carry the team during his rookie year. That was just painful to watch. The latter naman because like Kobe, he is an awesome player… but he knew it and acted accordingly – a total dealbreaker in my book. This is the exact reason why my sister hates the Lakers… simply because Kobe is on that team – no matter how good they are because of him. Sufficed to say that my sister and I are pretty big on the difference between pride and arrogance.

  2. In the event that Ateneo had a decent team and decent players, the “school spirit” of Ateneo as a whole ruined it for me. Of course individually, all people are ok (regardless of alma matter) in fact, on of the batchmates/friends I respect the most is Nono Felipe, the co-founder of the Ateneo sports-shooters. To say that he’s an “Eagle,” or “Ateneo fan” is an understatement; but all the same, he is one of the most down to earth, and smartest people I’ve ever known. Unfortunately, people like him are more of an exception than the rule. But going back, as the the “general campus” goes, when you start forming groups, you wouldn’t believe the shit that comes out of Ateneo fans. And granted, all schools are guilty of that, I’m telling you, having been in both sides, Ateneo really takes the “arrogance” crown. Sometimes it’s bordering on delusional talaga. Which makes me feel bad for the humble, true blue, people like Nono – who are grossly misrepresented. They’re the minority, and I’ve always blamed that disproportionate elitist attitude to the culture which is being nourished as a whole. That’s the tragedy right there – that that type of culture is being noursished! Oh… and don’t get me started on how Ateneo sensationalizes everything; remember the day Fonacier died? Oh, he didn’t? I could’ve sworn he did! Must’ve been all those friggin’ posters then. 2 Which is STILL being done to this day.

  3. I’m literally a half-breed split in exactly two equal parts as far as time spent in one school and the other… and #2 was the tipping point – cuz I sure as hell did not appreciate the “Ateneo culture” as much as the others seemed to embrace with open arms.

Having said that, this season was certainly an exception. #1 is totally not present – the current Eagles were under the wing of Chris Tiu, and if you search for all my UAAP posts where I had negative things to say about Ateneo, you’ll find that I’ve always considered two players an exception: Chris Tiu and LA Tenorio.

Having Ateneo win under the leadership of those two is totally fine by my book. They are truly role-models… well maybe not LA, since he’s not really that smart; but Chris Tiu is definitely the type of guy you can aspire to emulate.

#2 has yet to unravel – I’d be very interested to see how it plays out during the off-season. Like I said, the school deserves to enjoy the fruits of the team’s labor – because this time around, they indeed, were the best, and it was by no accident or stroke of luck. Even Gabby (my half-brother) told me early on in the season “I hate to say it, but I think this is Ateneo’s year” – so the turnout of events is not surprising at the least.

I just hope that next year, the next incarnation of the team, and the next set of Ateneo fans, who will be stepping into the colosseum with a championship under their belt won’t revert to that culture that I truly hate(d). I fear that will be the case though 🙁 Perhaps should make a bet on it. Might as well make good money out of losing the game right?

Jokes aside, my sincerest congratulations to the Ateneo Blue Eagles, you truly are the best this season. I can only hope that the heart, humility, and skill you’ve displayed to us this season will inspire DLSU (and other teams) to step up their game the next time around and make for awesome basketball. Everybody wins then, right?


1 With the exception of the DLSU – FEU matchup when Arwind Santos was still playing for FEU.
2 Which is STILL being done to this day.

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