You down with LHC? (yeah you know me!)

So there you have it, the LHC has been on, and we’re still alive. 1 Granted, they haven’t kicked it up to full steam yet. Naturally; anyone with half a brain should know that we experience “reactions” of greater magnitude in our everyday lives… undetected.

But for all the idiots who are still worried – thinking that the LHC will kill us all, here’s a nice site to keep you updated – complete with RSS feed:

Has the Large Hadron Collider destroyed the world yet?

– via Daring Fireball

Kidding aside, we’re living in exciting times folks.

I suggest all over-zealous religious nut-jobs take a chill pill and just let Science discover what it can. Your Religious beliefs are safe; the LHC still can’t prove/disprove the existence of a supreme being. Though I’m really hoping that, at the very least, it could provide enough information to shut those fucking creationists up once and for all 😉


1 Granted, they haven’t kicked it up to full steam yet.

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