Not your usual Iron Man post

Well everyone’s posting about it, so might as well give my two cents.

Cris and I watched Iron Man when it premiered. The funny thing was that Cris and I had no idea that the movie was already showing that day. I just felt like eating out, then found out about the movie, and we both decided to watch it since we were already there.

I have to say it was one of the best superhero flicks I’ve ever seen. However, I was hesitant of posting a glowing recommendation when I got home; because I seriously thought I may have been too biased towards Tony Stark’s character.

Seeing that many of my friends had blogged about it, I guess it’s safe to assume that regardless of personal bias, Iron Man seemed to be a really good movie.

While people have their reasons to love the Iron Man movie, I personally as a geek can see clearly why it would be perfect for us (the geeks):

Tony Stark = God

Period, game over, fuck you, thanks for playing.

Kidding aside; here’s a guy who’s filthy rich, gets (or creates) all the cool toys, is a fucking genius… and is cool enough to be the sexual desire of women. Not to mention that he can get away with being an asshole.

Tony Stark has a combination of Steve Job’s vision and taste, Bill Gates’ wealth, Einstein’s brains, Brad Pitt’s appeal, and fictional character Gregory House’s wit and candor.

I don’t know about you, but I’d say that’s the perfect man right there (or at least pretty darn close to it). I’d love to be in Tony Stark’s shoes any day.

I remember Cris laughing at me every time I whimpered in envy whenever I saw a cool thing of Stark’s; like how the glass surfaces in his house were touch controllers as well. Or what about his tactile-responsive virtual projection system (remember when he put his arm inside the projected image of an arm-piece he was designing… and it fucking started moving along with his arms!). Naturally that technology isn’t a reality yet, but God Damn was it cool to watch!

Even if the Iron Man storyline had sucked, I’d still probably enjoy if only to watch Tony Stark operate. In fact I think the reason why the story was great was precisely because of that; the character. There was nothing special about the plot – but Stark’s character carried the whole movie. There’s just something about Stark’s smugness that appeals to me as a geek. It’s literally an it-would-be-so-awesome-if-I-could-be-like-him type of awe.

Tony Stark is the pinnacle of geek evolution; a geek that has been perfected.

4 Replies to “Not your usual Iron Man post”

  1. AND, can i just add, that we would not like it enough if it weren’t for the fantastic portrayal of Stark by Robert Downey, Jr.! everyone was skeptic about how this mature, struggling ex-alcoholic could fit the superhero mold (because the clean, poster boy young actors were stereotypically cast). here you find an actor with a real-life edge and brilliance who is recovering from his bad decisions in life–which just added that oomph in the parallel life he lives as Iron Man!

    i love robert downey, jr. he’s hot.

  2. The fantastic characterization had as much to do with the screenwriter and director as it did with the original Tony Stark comic character. And of course – ROBERT DOWNEY JR.!!! So glad he found a mainstream movie that really showcased the best of his talents – particularly that inimitable pogi-dashing-funny-asshole vibe he pulls off so well. Tony Stark would’ve been corny and passe had it been played by anyone else. Actually I was pleased with all of the actors’ portrayals – they were all solid and present, even from Gwyneth P, whom I normally hate with a passion (she should never have won that Oscar in ’99, dammet).

  3. Jeline, Maan,

    Yes, I agree, RDJ as TS indeed was a crucial factor in making or breaking the film.

    There’s one other actor who could probably pull it off just as well; Johnny Depp. But he’s done so many brilliant roles already so give chance to others naman hahahaha.

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