I want this shirt!

I just saw this shirt while surfing the net:

I should’ve taken note of the site I visited – to give him proper credit.

Anyways, I want to have this made… Jem, you think your tito can make a single order of this?

Meet Adam

“View product page”

I finally gave in to actually identifying my Powerbook.

Since everyone else was doing it… and I actually do have a name for my PC (Halimaw)

Since it was my first Apple, I was thinking in the lines of Adam and Eve… and since it’s soooo common to have a woman’s name for a computer, I decided to stick with the masculine naming preference – like what I did with Halimaw

Besides, despite the elegance, a “Powerbook” on a UNIX based core… this thing purely suggests something masculine.

So there we have it… meed Adam.

A few good men…

We spent lunch with our Dad today… and I realized something significant after discussing this “joke” text my dad sent me:

I pray for you to be blessed with the strength of Samson, the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, the faith of Abraham, the courage of David, and the money of Gen. Garcia


Anyways, it turns out that our Lolo (God bless his soul) had the exact same position during his days (a bunch of years ago).

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