OMG, it’s WebNews!

Now when was the last time we had some webnews?

Now gather round – since I’ve rounded up months worth of webnews backlog and now present to you 3028 links and discussions!

Just kidding! I won’t even attempt to check my past RSS readings (which were pretty interesting – such a shame)

Here we go…

  • Strongbad gets a virus
  • Some iPod and G5 gutting
  • DCResource 2004 Holiday Buyers’ Guide
  • Chess set made of electronic parts
  • Why God created cockroaches

Strongbad gets a virus

In its own geeky way, the latest Strongbad email succeeds in tickling those which are “familiar” to internet/computer/technology savvy viewers. Hell, I even noticed the creative genius in the flash/html implementation of the episode.

Check it out – you’ll love it.

Some iPod and G5 gutting

Someone guts his iPOD, and replaces its innards with, quite frankly, useless junk. To the dismay of the Mac community.

The article which discovered the news connects it to a G5 tower being transplanted with not-so-elegant PC components.

After reading the news, I can’t help but laugh at the Mac community. Why such a big fuss? I would’ve never dared to say that before since I was a PC-only user and I never wanted people to think that I was just opening my yapper without seeing the other side of the coin. I have (as Adam can attest to it), and I agree that Apple products are really sexy, and that what those guys did were pretty useless – but to react in such a way that you accuse them of committing some sort of sin is simply ridiculous.

I must admit, that the Mac community is an extremely tightly-knit community of friendly people ready to help each other – that’s really cool. But I will have to say that they sometimes border on being the “Brady Bunch” of the whole tech world. Extremely idealistic that as long as it’s Apple, money spending is somehow justified. As long as Steve Jobs says it, it’s probably right.

Those last statements are confirmed when I watched Job’s Keynote speech in the WWDC (when Tiger was announced). And he was building up all these gadgets (like the new cinema displays) and always never fails to mention the prices of those products… and what really cracked me up was he was announcing prices that normally people would say “are you kidding me!? who the hell can afford that!?” But instead, I hear people clapping like “Yes, I love Steve and the way he milks us dry out of our bank accounts…”

As a friend told me, if the Mac community were to ask Jobs if they’re trying to rip us off, he could very well reply, “yes, I am,” and we’d still be foaming at the mouth saying “ok, just making sure… I want… I want…” And I am guilty of that too, after all I bought a Powerbook, and I’m planning to get an iPOD, knowing fully well there are cheaper, more compatible players out there.

Anyways, we are already digressing. Suffice to say that the Mac community in general better lighten up. Of course the same can be said about the PC community. Or any community for that matter with regards to trolling on the competitors products. But as a PC and Mac user, I can honestly say that the Mac community is “weirder” that way.

DCResource 2004 Holiday Buyers’ Guide

For those interested in Digital Photography, it would be best if you can check out the said buyers’ guide. Having owned 2 of the cameras listed there, I would have to say that their opinion is unbiased.

Yes the Nikon D70 truly is better than the Canon 300D (although more expensive). And the Canon 20D is indeed THE best buy to date! Unless the future dSLR releases follow the price/performance ratio the 20D has set.

Chess set made of electronic parts

An interesting chess set has surfaced – being made of RF connectors, terminators, etc., the newly made set has some sort of futuristic while, elegant appeal to it. Oh who am I kidding, it looks really wicked to those who are mechanically inclined.

As another article would say: As if chess wasn’t geeky enough!

Why God created cockroaches

Remember why we used to ask ourselves what the hell are cockroaches for? I mean really, even if you look at it in the perspective of an ecosystem’s food chain, you’d probably be stumped too.

The only help they’ll probably ever give is if they tell us the secret to their being resilient to radioactivity. Then we can kill every one of them without disturbing the worlds balance.

But this project puts cockroaches to good use by making it control a machine. I don’t really see the point in using a cockroach particularly, but at least they have some use now.

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