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I’ve finally finished reading the backlog on my RSS aggregator (about 200+ articles). A lot of interesting stuff has happened around the world during my absence from the net. I thought I’d share a bunch I found interesting.

“Read post”

“Hilarious Flash Movie”

“Turn your iPOD into a Remote!”

“Belief in Hell Boosts Growth”

“LCD prices dropping”

“Modified Segway”

“LG’s Cellphone for the Elderly”

“Vertu finds Competition”

“Vertu Luxury Phones”

“Bang & Olufsen”

“Reasons why people should take Blogs more seriously”

“NY TIMES: Web Diarists Are Now Official Members of Convention Press Corps”

“MT 3.1 to be released soon”

“AMD Sempron”


The ACLU website has a hilarious flash movie about user privacy. Maybe we should think twice before giving out details to any organization.

The Apple iPOD is proving to be a veritable multi-purpose gizmo. From MP3, to application storage, to media reader. Now there’s an article that teaches you how to use your iPOD as a universal remote!

Of all the Philosophy classes we were required to take during college, Philosophy of Religion always seemed the most interesting. For all the people who still failed to appreciate the topic in a metaphysical approach. Perhaps this practical approach might make you understand hehehehe. Who says Religion has no place in a constantly progressing world?

This whole portion of my post is of course sarcastic, so don’t get any funny ideas.

LCD prices have been dropping. Of course this is good news to people like me who have been eyeing big LCD models to replace my unwieldy CRT. I just hope it also forces Apple to drop prices on their new LCD line.

When geeks meet the big boys… or at least when geeks try to be big boys.

Remember my post about older people and technology? Here’s another article which vindicates my claim. They really should stick to the devices they can handle.

Another entry to the classy cellphone market offers stellar prices comparable to the Vertu luxury phone. Just what we need – another 19k USD cell phone line made of material short of jewelry. If they’d just put all that money into R&D, they’d proabably be able to make revolutionary products with style (take B&O for example).

A NY Times article has sent shockwaves to the appaled blogging community. As much as I myself am a blogger, I have to agree with NYT to some degree.

Inasmuch as there are perfectly credible people who can provide information. Blogging, by nature, degrades that perception as it is too “open.” If you are well versed in the Internet, then there is no problem discerning the crap from the good stuff – you can pretty much take [or present] news from a sex-channel for all I care and it wouldn’t matter.

The blogging community also has to realize that in the world, there are a few winners… and a whole lot of losers who don’t know any better. The accessibility of Blogs make them too much of a risk to use for breaking news. Of course I’d agree that you may still post breaking news in your blog and it may be accurate, but getting news from a real news syndicate (as long as moderation isn’t applied) would definitly be more reliable.

For the offended parties – it truly is a shame that a perfectly credible person [or website] be demoted to something like a tabloid or worse. I think the best course of action is that if your blog is dedicated to information that is worth a damn, and you have your credibility intact, then join a reputable news syndicate or something.

This is my 2 cents however. I will remain a flower-person (peace loving) and avoid any debates regarding this hehehe.

MovableType, my CMS of choice, is planning to release an updated version soon which contains plugins that have garnered top prizes in their developer competition. That should be something to look forward to.

AMD has replaced its Duron line with the Sempron, which blows the Celerons out of the water (or so they say). Either way, I think this is a good move by AMD since they are primarily known for “cheap” components. If you’re considering a Celeron/Duron/whatever, you obviously have prices in mind – Semprons beating the Celerons in benchmarks will simply be a bonus to price-performance ratio.

Last but not the least: I’ve found a site with TONS of stickers that can be used for weblogs. Feel free to visit it here and leech your hearts away.

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