Once and for all

Don’t you just love weblogs? Whenever there’s an issue, I can always go back to it and smile while I vindicate myself 🙂

A friend posted in her blog how someone she doesn’t know messaged her out of the blue in her Friendster account to engage in some mundane chitchat, only to find out that she ended up talking about me and pertaining to an issue that’ s supposed to have been resolved ages ago.

Before I continue, I would like to refer you to past posts for the lowdown of what has happened…

Then, I will continue on what has happened since then and what will happen now – once and for all.

No names will be mentioned as usual, since I still want to be a good person and give the individual a chance to back-off.

What Happened?

Here’s how it started

Here’s how it supposed to have ended

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