The hardest part about being right

I remember one really old martial arts movie I saw, 1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it where one of the protagonists had said the lines below; begging to be taken back into the team.

“It’s the only thing I know… [the only thing] that I’m good at.

This is true for everyone in the planet: We all make mistakes, and all are stupid in our own little (or big) ways. Yet at the same time, we have worth, and there are things that we may just “know” better than anyone else.

Based on experience, I have found out that, at least for me, the most important “lessons” one could teach are the same ones that we desperately wish people would really listen to – and by some sick joke of God, are the very things people refuse to listen to. Read More


1 “Best of the Best” I think it was, and I think Eric Roberts’ character was the one that said it