
Siyempre after I got on my soapbox in the last post, I totally didn’t “deliver the goods” during a performance in CTK. Not just “not deliver properly” my alleged part, but quite literally was nowhere in the vicinity to deliver.

I saw my [half] brother-in-law Bubi attend the thing and we got to talking. The fact that it was ridiculously cold and he was a race-car driver led us both to the most logical agreement of thawing out in parking lot so he could also check out my car. We were slated to sing in the second set, and it seemed there was so much time. I was expecting literally 10 more minutes or something… even without an intermission/break.

About 3 minutes into the conversation, I look to the church and see a group on stage wearing earth tones. Strange… only BP was wearing earth tones as far as I can recall. When I saw Ali’s unmistakable scarf, it dawned on me that the second half had already started! Read More

That’s what you get…

… when you’ve got nothing better to do.

Cris was out with her fellow teachers on a trip to Baguio for the weekend, which meant I was home alone the whole weekend.

I used the downtime as an opportunity to fix my iTunes library some more – but with twenty-plus thousand songs, obviously it’s still not done. Then idle thoughts started creeping in… Read More


I guess everyone knows about this by now.

As a musician (you know, the type who actually makes music and doesn’t just sing, etc.), I really sympathize with Mr. Granada’s plight. Bukas Palad even has one of his songs on album; and given very barat sa budgeting ang BP, 1 We wanted to include some songs by Yano at some point – but never pushed through because of fees involved it’s safe to assume that Mr. Granada is not unreasonable with his “rates/fees.”

I know the economy’s in a credit crunch and that everyone’s looking for the cheapest way of doing things. And for the most part that’s fine; they just get what they pay for. But to blatantly “game” the system the way they’re dong and screwing someone like they did Mr. Granada… that just really gets on my nerves!

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1 We wanted to include some songs by Yano at some point – but never pushed through because of fees involved