My first Road Bike

Since the trend (fad?) nowadays is that everyone’s getting a road bike – I decided to ride (no pun intended) the bandwagon and get one myself.

Why are you looking at me like that? I’ll have you know that that is is a road bike just as well. It’s a bike, and it’s for the road! What, you thought I was going to allow myself to wear cycling shorts? I’m not yet prepared for that!

Anyways, this post is a sort of review on my latest acquisition. Though I’d more likely say “unboxing” (even if it has no box to speak of), as all I’m going to talk about here is on the modifications I made on it, and not my experience riding it (not yet at least) Read More

I’ve Fallen for a Monster

Another major milestone in my life: I finally got myself a motorcycle.

Always wanted one but either the time or the circumstance (finances, or girlfriend, or both) didn’t allow it. Coming from the demise of a 7-year relationship, 1 Remind me never to joke about the 7-year itch, ever. this could definitely be an effective part of my [retail] therapy. It would also, once and for all, make sure the next woman wouldn’t have a say in the matter. So there is some half-full thing that could be had in this – like with every other aspect of life.

Anyways, enough with the bickering – let’s just get to the details 🙂

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1 Remind me never to joke about the 7-year itch, ever.