
Holy fuck this is long… hope whoever reads this has got the patience. But seriously, I think it’s a good read – not because I’m an interesting person (far from it) but there are a lot of points here that are really worth thinking about especially if you’re a person of faith.

Okay, so I brushed on the “brighter side of things” with regards to what Religion could bring to the table; in the context of my Recollection experience.

Perhaps that was the Yang… now for some Yin to balance the scales 😉

This post is mostly about a concern I raised to a friend while we engaged in some mental masturbation on life and religion:

Carlo: siguro scary lang to think kse most of the “faithful” are naive 1 At least, based on experience in a sense
Carlo: how they can be agents of suffering PRECISELY because of their “skewed/misguided” religious beliefs 2 how they tend to take doctrine at face value without even bothering to evaluate it in context of the reality of the human condition.
Roy: true
Roy: that raises the question of their “faithfulness” then
Roy: and their understanding of what it means to believe

And yes, I’m aware that I’ve posted this during the holy week – pure coincidence 😉 Read More


1 At least, based on experience
2 how they tend to take doctrine at face value without even bothering to evaluate it in context of the reality of the human condition.

Sta. Elena bike run

w/ Ria, Vic, Cyn, Arnold, Jingle, Elbert, King, Joby, Kiko, Ali, Arnel, Joy, and their daughter

YouTube was muting the audio on mine because of the soundtrack. I tried switching soundtracks with the same result. After 3 uploads of 450MB files, I figured “fuck it, I’ll just use Vimeo for this one” It’s slower to load, but at least it’s not finicky about matching background audio.

Gallery here, and full footage of one of the trails below. Read More

Sta. Rosa bike run

Ria hooked me up with her rider friends (Alabang and Sta Rosa peeps). We had an awesome 13-mile run. The nice thing about the route is that there’s a lot of loooong descents on both dirt and pavement… and we ended up circling back to where we came from.

Pardon the shaky video… it’s the hardtail’s fault hahahaha. But at least I got it well below 10 mins to appease YouTube specs (annotations and HD toggling FTW!). And yes, nagpaalam ako ke Ria isama yung footage ng hulog niya, hehehehe

Looking forward to the next ride! Read More

La Mesa Nature Reserve Take 3

I have a feeling that even “Take 10” wouldn’t be the end of it, this trail never ceases to impress us.

Take 2 was an “impromptu” thing because technically, it was cancelled due to the weather. But about 4 of us persisted and the rest was history. Take 3 was the planned re-scheduling, but this time most of the people agreed to the “rain or shine” stipulation. Good thing the stipulation was made, because this is how the weather was at one point:

In fact, just as when we were just about to hit the trail, it started pouring! Read More

Hell, in fact, HATH fury!

For the record, I always believed that even in the face of total injustice, a man should take the high road when going against a woman; because God knows the latter would do shit like that naturally… at least most of the time at least (and this is provable fact btw). Sure, I do confide in a select few (and only if they ask) and I guess the furthest I’d go (unless publicly challenged) would be to write a song about it. Even then, I’d always make it a point keep the villain’s identity anonymous to the general public out of courtesy (even if they totally don’t deserve it) 1 Well, that and I want the music to be relevant to a broader audience, something which is impossible if you put an actual name on the song

In context of relationships, 99% of the time, it’s really the men that have less to lose when shit hits the fan. I guess this is why the whole “hell hath no fury than a woman scorned” adage exists in the first place; and those “screwed” (no pun intended) women resort to slander – practically cuz it’s the only [legal] thing they could do to get some semblance of retribution.

But, I respectfully submit, that Hell, in fact, hath fury… even more than a woman scorned – it just seldom reveals itself. And guess who’s capable of delivering such fury; damn right, it’s us men. And here’s a sample of how a no-holds-barred mutt-fit (bitch-fit for men) could go down… brought to you by Mr. no-holds-barred himself: EMINEM.

I have to admit that I did get a kick out of Eminem’s single “The Warning” simply because it shows exactly how destructive we men can be if we throw whatever courtesy we have left to the wind (and start acting like “women scorned” ourselves)

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1 Well, that and I want the music to be relevant to a broader audience, something which is impossible if you put an actual name on the song