Zoom, just one look…

… and then my heart went boom!

Remember that song? Well, it doesn’t really have anything to do with this post apart from the reference of the word “zoom.” (and personally, my heart did go “boom” when I saw the awesomeness of what I’m about to discuss).

I’ve implemented a new “lightboxing” system in my site using the FancyZoom script.

For the uninitiated, a the term lightbox has its etymology rooted in photography, but sufficed to say, in “internet” lingo, it’s a script which is commonly used for toggling image magnification without having to leave the current page. I’ve been using it in my site almost every time I use a thumbnail (which will be demonstrated in a while). For a quick sample though, click right here.

Oh and if you’re reading this via RSS reader, I’d suggest you visit the actual page for this entry, else none of this will work.

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