Xmas wishlist

Everyone seems to be doing it. Nono even has a whole series on it (check out the october archive). I thought I might as well list the stuff that I might like in case some rich relative (or rich and generous friend) decides to read this and actually buys any of the items listed here.

It’s funny though that though I still have my “techno-lust,” as we would call it, that I can honestly say I’m pretty content with “what I have” as it were. Sure we can always use more if possible, but it’s not like I make it a point to focus my work and efforts to buying stuff (which was often the case in the past). Simply put, anything I may want is just that… a “want.” It’s not a really want. And if I really wanted something, I’d probably get it [myself] anyways, I’ve saved up quite a lot for my trip to the US during the holidays.

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