Symantec: Mac OS X Becoming a Malware Target

Symantec: Mac OS X Becoming a Malware Target

Security vendor Symantec is warning that Apple’s OS X operating system is increasingly becoming a target for hackers and malware authors.’ They go on to warn that the only thing that’s protected Apple users from exploits so far has been the small number of Macs on the net. Now that people are buying Apple products for ‘style over function,’ according to one analyst, Apple computer has become a target for new attacks.

via Slashdot

The bummer here is that it was stated by Symantec, which easily could be construed as an act of furthering their own sales of AntiVirus software. But in general, friends and I have been discussing this before. That the reason OS X is said to be “secure” is simply because there isn’t enough interest in it for the malicious hackers.

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