RSS feed updates

rss icon

I’ve been tracking my feed activity through Mint, via a “pepper” 1 What they call “plugins” for Mint that can track FeedBurner stats… so I did some .htaccess jiggery-pokery 2 A term I blatantly filched from Mark Gruber of to make the URL redirect to the FeedBurner site without you guys having to do anything. So while you clicked/subscirbed to /blog/rss.xml in my domain, you were most probably redirected without noticing it to

Which brings me to this post; I’ve found a way to track my feed’s activity locally – hence FeedBurner isn’t needed anymore.

While I did delete the FeedBurner account and had it redirect back to my original feed, in case some subscribers still have as the registered feed address in their respective RSS readers, now would be the perfect time for me to urge everyone to change the feed URL back to

And in case any new reader is wondering what RSS is – I’ve discussed [in great length] it here.


1 What they call “plugins” for Mint
2 A term I blatantly filched from Mark Gruber of

RSS feed up to spec

I’ve done a bit of research and updated the Atom feed to be up to spec (Atom 1.0). For those of you reading this post via RSS readers pointed to the old feed located at, you should be seeing a painfully obvious disclaimer above this (and every succeeding) entry. I’m leaving the old feed alive for a few more weeks, that (and the announcement header) should give people enough time to update their links to the new feed.

The new feed is located at: [][1]

[1]: “Right click and copy location to your RSS reader” Read More