
I decided to maximize the use of Flickr as an image repository specifically for my blog. While it would be nice to just move the entire gallery to Flickr, I really don’t like the idea of not being able to skin it (and that the gallery’s URL will be outside of my domain). I’m not sure if they have an API released that allows a fully blown gallery to be created outside of their servers, but for now it’s not an option for me.

I finally finished editing each and every entry to fix the broken image links after I moved everything to Flickr. And while modifying the posts, I realized some things that may be useful in case you guys didn’t know it yet. One cool thing about Flickr is that stores its images statically, which allows you to do some legitimate hotlinking to [your] images in the Flickr server from virtually anywhere.

The drawback was that you had to do a decent amount of clicking before you can get to the “static URL” field of the file… at least that’s what I experienced until now. This post is just a discussion on how to access and use those static URLs quickly and efficiently for your hotlinking needs. Read More