Headphone talk

As I promised Arjay, I’m posting a blog entry of the story behind my new headphones. But first, let me give a brief “history” of my life and pricey headphones so that readers can make more sense out of this entry. Read More

What the!?

Aside from the model name, cosmetics and bundled software, can someone clue me in what the difference is between these two:

The first is my Keystation 49e, and the second is one of the new releases M-Audio has for NAMM ’07. They’re the same right? Even the pricepoint is the same for crying out loud. I fail to see the point of such a product. Why not just do it like Apple 1 Who perform major upgrades to their hardware/existing products while still retaining the model/line name and still call it a 49e?

I do like the darker color (gunmetal?) on the new unit though 🙂


1 Who perform major upgrades to their hardware/existing products while still retaining the model/line name

As promised

Well, not that anyone cares, but I did say that I was compelled to justify my earlier purchase of a certain mixer, so just skip this post if you ain’t interested.

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