Apple Talk

DJ and I were shooting the breeze and we got to talking about GTD… and ultimately what potential role Apple apps could play in getting your life organized.

I personally don’t use the GTD method, as I usually get things done either way. I’m probably not as streamlined/efficient as people who actually use GTD methods, but I’ve always thought that those methods were for people who needed to get things done – so if you’re getting things done anyway, why bother? But I digress.

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iTunes 7 – looking good!

I finally had the time to upgrade iTunes to version 7, I must say that the improvements in this build are pretty impressive.

The Good

Tasks View

What I particularly like is how they separated the “current performing tasks” into it’s own page rather than having to click and cycle through the main display. This can get very irritating if you’re downloading a lot of podcasts, then are listening to something. Say you want to change the playhead position on that song – you’ll have to cycling though the different tasks until you see the “task” for the current playing song.

Apple has solved that by putting it on a separate page view:

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I just created an account on I’m wondering why, after hearing about it ages ago, I only signed up now. Was it because of all the buzz surrounding it nowadays (it has been mentioned several times on the more popular tech podcasts out there)? It also seems strange that I should choose to “sign-up” just after the legality of the site has been put into question.

But after I heard that the hosts of Digg actually use the service… I thought “Hey, who cares if it’s legit or not!” Here are high(ish) profile American hosts who openly admit to using the service (among other things) and not getting arrested for it. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to partake of the benefits of using it as well. And to me, until it’s proven beyond any reasonable doubt that it is indeed an illegal operation (and promptly shut down); and as long as it’s not phishing my credit account info, I’m considering it legal no matter what other people say hahaha.

In all honesty, aside from the whole legality issue, I really believe that AllofMP3 has nailed music distribution for consumers perfectly. I’m definitely going to use it – and I’ll tell you why you should use it too.

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Updates galore

I’ve updated a bunch of stuff in the last 48 hours. Namely:

  • MovableType
  • Ecto
  • iTunes
  • QuickTime

MovableType being the focus of this post. But some other webnews will be discussed I guess (like that new iPod) hehehe.

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Where’s the slow motion button?

I noticed that I’ve been “acquiring” more music that I can actually ingest. I’ve now had to create a special playlist in iTunes just to dump all the albums I haven’t gotten the chance to go through. I haven’t sorted everything yet, but as of now there are like 3000+ worth of songs in that playlist alone.

You see, my “method,” when it comes to iTunes and my iPod, is that I only leave the “nice” songs (according to my taste of course). This is so I can conserve space since my collection is merrily on its way approaching the 60GB mark (and my iPod is 60GB, so you see my dilemma). Of course I want to use the iPod for something other than music since it’s a very handy mass-data-storage device.

To do this, of course, I have to know which songs are worth leaving in the iPod. What I do is listen to songs by albums. Yes, I purposely go through entire albums even if the first impressions suck.

I think this is a very healthy thing musically. As human beings, we all have opinions and preferences. I’ve always wanted to do away with my “musical preference” and just enjoy music as such… any kind of music. This means taking a particular piece in its context, understand it, and appreciate it.

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