Thoughts on American Idol

I don’t watch TV, I don’t tune in to AI, but I am aware of the players – and my sister clued me in eariler in the season for the people to “watch out” for.

Sufficed to say, with my sister as my witness (and some other friends who I discussed it with) – I kinda felt Kris was going to win it… in spite of the fact that Allan had “superior” vocals and showmanship.

And the reason I state is the same reason I stated during that same IM conversation with my sister months back. It’s an “uncomfortable truth” as it were, and can be quite controversial… but I really think it was the case. Read More

Why do we even bother?

There’s something I need to say… something controversial and possibly offensive.

But to understand my concern requires that we be on the same page. So I’d like to ask some questions before I get to the meat of things.

  1. If schools are for educating people – why do we have gender-exclusive schools? Do you think it’s wrong that we have all male/female schools considering the purpose of education is and should be universal? Should the foundation of an educational system be changed because of it?

  2. Why do sports have so much unnecessary rules? Take basketball for instance, isn’t the goal simply to put the ball in the basket? Why must there be a requirement to dribble the ball, not stay in the paint for more than 3 seconds etc. etc. If the minutiae of the sport makes it more complex than it really should be, does that mean that league that made the rules was misguided?

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