Leap of faith

In an interesting turn of events, I’ve purchased something on faith rather than doing any proper research on it. Actually I didn’t really have a choice since the product’s “nature” to this day is hidden in total secrecy.

One of Neil Diamond’s guitarists Hadley (aka “Radley”) Hockensmith is selling units of his invention called the “Harmonic Converger.” It is a passive device that among other things, eliminates the “fizz” commonly present in digital modelers.

The official information page of the Harmonic Converger (which from this point on I will refer to as “HC”) can be found here

So I’ve purchased one – and thanks to Mara, I’ll [hopefully] be getting it at the end of May.

I’ve also taken the liberty of taking some select audio clips from the internet showcasing what the HC can do. Most (if not all) taken from a really old “HC Test Drive” page created by Radley and a couple of HC users down at Boss GT Central

Obviously the pedalboard being used was a Boss multi-effects processor – specifically, a GT8 like mine if I’m not mistaken. Read More