A little here and there

My blog has been acting up the whole of last week – which is why I haven’t been able to post about the other mundane stuff I’ve been up to.

Some geek shit

I had just upgraded the core WordPress engine, and for some reason, my index page won’t display articles. All other pages work though. There was nothing wrong with my code; and I don’t say this arrogantly, but because I tried plugging my code to a default template and it worked flawlessly. (Of course it did… why shouldn’t it? Ok that was a tad arrogant 😉 hehehe.)

Anyways, I had the time to sort it out today after finishing work. Turns out the new version wouldn’t play nice with concurrent database connections like the older one did. 1 my peer list, and social network icons, are stored in another database Anyways, nothing that a simple mysql_select_db(); switch couldn’t fix. So back to regular programming Read More


1 my peer list, and social network icons, are stored in another database