Browsers, etc.

I felt compelled to post this as Nono mentioned me in his recent post… which could lead people to misinterpret some stuff.

What I said was correct though, so no change is necessary in his entry, but I just had to qualify something I had said, something which I think may be interpreted wrongly by those who don’t know (or be slammed by those who do hahahaha). Also, to reiterate what I posted as a comment.

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Camino – extending your search

I’ve been a Camino user ever since Joel introduced me to it.

As I’ve mentioned before, if you’re an Apple Firefox user, then Camino is perfect for you since it’s basically the Gecko engine (which is one of the major factors that made Firefox a popular choice) programmed using the Cocoa framework.

There really isn’t anything that sets it apart from Firefox, on the contrary I think Firefox still has more “features” when it comes to the extensions/plugins available to it. But if you chose Firefox because of its browsing capabilities, then Camino is said to be exactly like it… only faster – much faster!

Joel actually made some benchmarks of the different browsers, and the results speak for themselves. Read More

Vindicated (again)

John Gruber of daringfireball posted about his top apps and it’s nice to know that I’m on the right track in my choices.

He matters to me because first, he wrote the Markdown parsing script which I use in this blog. Second is that if you read his articles, it’s evident that he is pure Apple. However, he is one of the Mac-heads who still think straight. This simply translates to him knowing the shit from the diamonds – which is opposite to those who love everything Apple… especially if it’s from Apple itself. And though one may not agree 100% with what he says all the time, at least on knows his opinions are reasonable in any context.

Which is why I turn to him for any late breaking Apple stuff, since he usually has a good handle on the whole thing. So with software, he now has his top applications list, which is listed below.

And for the honorable mentions