How evil the RIAA is

On a more serious note, here’s a an audio sample of Ray Beckerman talking about the RIAA law suits., as it’s name implies is also against DRM 1 Digital Rights Management itself, on grounds that I will not discuss in this post. But the bigger issue of the RIAA suing innocent people is what’s being discussed. You can skip the introduction by Peter Brown and go directly to what Mr. Beckerman is saying (at about a minute and 47 seconds into the clip)

In case you need it, the transcript’s available here. If you live in the United States, please spread the word. Hell, even if you aren’t, spread it anyways. Digital copyright laws are bound to affect us one way or the other no matter where we live. Read More


1 Digital Rights Management

External audio for everyone

GM adds line-in jack to their cars via Engadget

GM line-in with the iPod
…See guys, that wasn’t so hard, was it?

I hope the rest of the automobile industry would follow suit so we can finally phase out those tape-adaptors, FM-transmitters, or spending quite a penny on modifying our audio setup just to accomodate external audio devices (iPods, etc.).

A line-in jack is pretty much standard to all audio devices, and now that I’ve read that bit of news, I’m wondering why people (including myself) never noticed that glaring flaw in automobile audio. You pay premiums to modify your car setup, or buy a BMW with iPOD support when a simple audio line-in could’ve solved that problem… and would not be limited to special audio gadgets such as the iPODs.

As the article said: it’s about friggin’ time!