Mobile OSX 2.2

So updates to the iPhone/iPod Touch OSes were released, and again, it was another one of those “cross your finger” moments of upgrading; making sure everything restores and nothing breaks. In my case, something broke… and I traced it back to the plethora of pre-installed Cydia stuff.

The “fix” was easy once I figured out the problem; simply let Cydia’s core components install from PwnageTool stock setting (because you can manually download the individual components, which is normally useful if the “stock” stuff are outdated. Since PwnageTool was updated specifically for 2.2, I figured it was using the most recent builds.

So simply put, I didn’t include any of the RED tagged components listed below.

I also updated the “list” from the last time since there have been some changes since the last time I analyzed the files.

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