Thanks, God

I’ve been neglecting the blog out of sheer “busy-ness” (or as I would call it: busybility, heh). And since I have nothing better to post as of the moment – I leave you with an interesting ad I found on Gizmodo

Kinda goes hand-in-hand with the “Now lets get to the meat” portion of an old post I made.

One thing though: I don’t drink 😉

Valley Golf incident revisited

So I got to talk to a friend who had some “inside info” on the other side – that is to say the politicians. Apparently there are also similar accounts in the news as well so I guess it’s “safe” to talk about it.

While it’s still hard to swallow said scenario that would justify what had transpired, I think it only be fair to state the other side if only to try to balance the views. Again, if I were to pigeon-hole the issue, I’m currently still on the “victims” side. However I do admit that after hearing my friend out, the issue does seem to be extremely polarized because of the publicity – and I always believed that the more angles you have on an issue, the better.

Standard disclaimer holds; I do not know these people personally, nor can I confirm if what has been said on either side is gospel (after all, everyone tends to manipulate facts at their convenience) so take my interpretation with a grain of salt.

Also, before I begin, I’d urge you to read up on a recent post by Punzi lecturing about self-defense – which is extremely helpful in weighing in the “facts.” Read More

Spread the word… please

This story seems to be spreading like wildfire from my neck of the woods (i.e. the groups I know) I thought I’d do my part and aid the “dissemination.”

Please, please repost the url below on your respective blogs. Spread the word.

All things considered, I wouldn’t be surprised that the family involved still wouldn’t be able to touch those politicians, 1 Honestly, at this point, given how the aggressors handled situation, I’m actually worried about the safety of the victims. but hopefully the public can make a big enough stink out of it to attract the media. Realistically speaking, I’m not even sure if it would change anything, but at the very least, it would hopefully make people aware about how evil those people can be.


1 Honestly, at this point, given how the aggressors handled situation, I’m actually worried about the safety of the victims.

LX3 Firmware Upgrade

About half a month ago, a lot of photography sites jumped the gun and announced the availability of a new firmware version for the popular LX3. They did say it was slated December 15, but honestly, that’s useless info.

Firmware upgrades are hardly the kind of things that people “anticipate” unless they’re finally released. There would’ve been no difference if they just informed users today.

It’s the 15th in most parts of the world by now (16th here in the Philippines); at least they kept their word. And you gotta love the Japs for their engrish!

The upgrade is available here. Enjoy 😉

Why didn’t I think of this sooner!?

So I was giving myself a hard time by manually adding .htaccess match conditions whenever there was a 404 (file not found) error reported 1 which was related to the old permalink formats I used in my MovableType days.

I realized just how much of an idiot I was when I could’ve used regular expressions. As such, I was able to replace all of them with just these five lines of code:

RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/archives/(.*)/([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})(.*)\.php$$2/$3/$4
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/archives/(.*)/index_([0-9]{4})\.php$$2
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/archives/(.*)/index_([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})\.php$$2/$3
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/archives/(.*)/index_([0-9]{4})_([0-9]{2})_([0-9]{2})\.php$$2/$3/$4
RedirectMatch permanent ^/blog/archives/([a-z]{1,})($|/$)$1

Let’s break them down shall we? Read More


1 which was related to the old permalink formats I used in my MovableType days.